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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Sowerbyella phlyctispora (Lepr. & Mont.) Hohmeyer & J. Moravec, in Moravec, Czech Mycol. 47(4): 263 (1995)

Peziza phlyctispora Lepr. & Mont., in Montagne, Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3 3: 358 (1845)
Neottiella phlyctispora (Lepr. & Mont.) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 8: 193 (1889)
Scutellinia phlyctispora (Lepr. & Mont.) Le Gal, Discomyc. Madagascar (Paris): 159 (1953)
Aleuria phlyctispora (Lepr. & Mont.) T. Schumach., Mycotaxon 33: 175 (1988)

Position in classification:
Pyronemataceae, Pezizales, Pezizomycetidae, Pezizomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015)

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