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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Guignardia heterostemmatis (T.S. Ramakr. & K. Ramakr.) D.R. Pawar & J.N. Kapoor, Kavaka 15(1-2): 17 (1989)

Physalospora heterostemmatis T.S. Ramakr. & K. Ramakr. [as 'heterostemmae'], Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Pl. Sci. 26: 8 (1947)
Vestergrenia heterostemmatis (T.S. Ramakr. & K. Ramakr.) Arx & E. Müll. [as 'heterostemmae'], Beitr. Kryptfl. Schweiz 11(no. 1): 173 (1954)

Position in classification:
Phyllostictaceae, Botryosphaeriales, Incertae sedis, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015)

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