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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Aquimassariosphaeria typhicola (P. Karst.) W. Dong & Doilom, in Dong et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-020-00463-5, [108] (2020)

Leptosphaeria typhicola P. Karst., Bidr. Känn. Finl. Nat. Folk 23: 100 (1873)
Heptameria typhicola (P. Karst.) Cooke, Grevillea 18(no. 86): 32 (1889)
Phaeosphaeria typhicola (P. Karst.) Hedjar., Sydowia 22(1-4): 86 (1969)
Massariosphaeria typhicola (P. Karst.) Leuchtm., Sydowia 37: 168 (1984)
Chaetomastia typhicola (P. Karst.) M.E. Barr, Mycotaxon 34(2): 514 (1989)
Neomassariosphaeria typhicola (P. Karst.) Y. Zhang ter, J. Fourn. & K.D. Hyde, in Zhang, Schoch, Fournier, Crous, Gruyter, Woudenberg, Hirayama, Tanaka, Pointing, Spatafora & Hyde, Stud. Mycol. 64: 96 (2009)

Leptosphaeria baldingerae Fautrey & Lambotte, in Faultrey, Revue mycol., Toulouse 19(no. 74): 53 (1897)
Phaeosphaeria baldingerae (Fautrey & Lambotte) Hedjar., Sydowia 22(1-4): 87 (1969)

Leptosphaeria cladii Cruchet, Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 55: 161 (1923)

Position in classification:
Lindgomycetaceae, Pleosporales, Pleosporomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2021)

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