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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Anthracocystis panici-leucophaei (Bref.) McTaggart & R.G. Shivas, in McTaggart, Shivas, Geering, Vánky & Scharaschkin, Persoonia 29: 124 (2012)

Ustilago panici-leucophaei Bref., Unters. Gesammtgeb. Mykol. (Leipzig) 12: 114 (1895)
Sphacelotheca panici-leucophaei (Bref.) G.P. Clinton, N. Amer. Fl. (New York) 7(1): 28 (1906)
Sporisorium panici-leucophaei (Bref.) M. Piepenbr., Mycol. Res. 103(4): 465 (1999)
Lundquistia panici-leucophaei (Bref.) Vánky, Fungal Diversity 17: 167 (2004)

Ustilago bonariensis Speg., Anal. Mus. nac. B. Aires, Ser. 3 19(12): 287 (1909)
Sphacelotheca bonariensis (Speg.) Cif., Annls mycol. 29(1/2): 56 (1931)
Sphaceloma bonariense (Speg.) Cif. [as 'bonariensis'], Annls mycol. 29(1/2): 56 (1931)
Sorosporium bonariense (Speg.) Zundel, Contr. Dept. Bot. Pennsylvania St. Coll. 176: 54 (1953)
Sporisorium bonariense (Speg.) Vánky, Fungal Diversity 17: 167 (2004)

Position in classification:
Ustilaginaceae, Ustilaginales, Ustilaginomycetidae, Ustilaginomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015)

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