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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Desarmillaria ectypa (Fr.) R.A. Koch & Aime, in Koch, Wilson, Séné, Henkel & Aime, BMC Evol. Biol. 17(no. 33): 12 (2017)

Agaricus ectypus Fr., Syst. mycol. (Lundae) 1: 108 (1821)
Clitocybe ectypa (Fr.) Gillet, Hyménomycètes (Alençon): 172 (1874)
Tricholoma ectypum (Fr.) Secr. ex Gillet, Hyménomycètes (Alençon): 124 (1874)
Camarophyllus ectypus (Fr.) P. Karst., Bidr. Känn. Finl. Nat. Folk 32: 230 (1879)
Omphalia ectypa (Fr.) Quél., Enchir. fung. (Paris): 26 (1886)
Collybia ectypa (Fr.) Quél., Fl. mycol. France (Paris): 236 (1888)
Armillariella ectypa (Fr.) Singer, Annls mycol. 41(1/3): 20 (1943)
Armillaria ectypa (Fr.) Lamoure, C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris 260: 4562 (1965)

Position in classification:
Physalacriaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2017)

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