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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Leucocoprinus leucothites (Vittad.) Redhead, Index Fungorum 551: 1 (2023)

Agaricus leucothites Vittad., Descr. fung. mang. Italia: 310 (1835)
Lepiota naucina var. leucothites (Vittad.) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 5: 43 (1887)
Lepiota leucothites (Vittad.) P.D. Orton, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 43(2): 177 (1960)
Leucoagaricus carneifolius var. leucothites (Vittad.) Bon, Docums Mycol. 7(nos 27-28): 21 (1977)
Leucoagaricus leucothites (Vittad.) Wasser, Ukr. bot. Zh. 34(3): 308 (1977)

Agaricus cretaceus sensu Cooke; fide Saccardo (Syll. fung. 21: 208)

Leucoagaricus cretaceus sensu Moser [Kleine Kryptogamenflora: 115 (1953)]; fide Checklist of Basidiomycota of Great Britain and Ireland (2005)

Leucoagaricus pudicus sensu auct.; fide Checklist of Basidiomycota of Great Britain and Ireland (2005)

Agaricus praecox sensu Colenso; fide Segedin & Pennycook (2001)

Pholiota praecox sensu Horak; fide Segedin & Pennycook (2001)

Agrocybe praecox sensu Horak; fide Segedin & Pennycook (2001)

Agaricus laevis Krombh., Naturgetr. Abbild. Beschr. Schwämme (Prague) 4: [26] (1836)
Annularia laevis Gillet, Hyménomycètes (Alençon): 389 (1876)

Agaricus sphaerophorus Krombh., Naturgetr. Abbild. Beschr. Schwämme (Prague) 4: tab. 24, fig. 20-23 (1836)

Agaricus holosericeus Fr., Epicr. syst. mycol. (Upsaliae): 16 (1838)
Lepiota holosericea Gillet, Hyménomycètes (Alençon): 67 (1874)
Mastocephalus holosericeus Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 2: 860 (1891)

Agaricus naucinus Fr., Epicr. syst. mycol. (Upsaliae): 16 (1838)
Lepiota naucina (Fr.) P. Kumm., Führ. Pilzk. (Zerbst): 136 (1871)
Mastocephalus naucinus (Fr.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 2: 860 (1891)
Leucocoprinus naucinus (Fr.) Locq., Bull. Soc. linn. Lyon 12: 92 (1945)
Leucoagaricus naucinus (Fr.) Singer, Lilloa 22: 418 (1951)

Leucocoprinus holosericeus (Gillet) Locq., Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Soc. Bot. Lyon 12: 95 (1943)
Leucoagaricus holosericeus (Gillet) M.M. Moser, in Gams, Kl. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 3 (Stuttgart) 2b/2: 185 (1967)

Agaricus naucinus var. sphaerosporus Cooke & Massee, in Cooke, Handb. Austral. fungi: 8 (1892)
Lepiota naucina var. sphaerospora (Cooke & Massee) McAlpine, Syst. Arr. Austr. Fungi (Melbourne): 4 (1895)

Lepiota naucina var. gracilis S. Petersen, Danske Agaricaceer 2: 48 (1911)

Lepiota holosericea f. lanata Rick, Lilloa 1: 328 (1939)

Position in classification:
Agaricaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2024)

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