Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Callome multipartita (Sm.) Otálora, P.M. Jørg. & Wedin, Fungal Diversity 64(1): 282 (2013) [2014]

Collema muelleri (Hepp ex Müll. Arg.) Stizenb., Ber. Tät. St Gall. naturw. Ges.: 260 (1882) [1880-81]
Collema multipartitum Sm., in Smith & Sowerby, Engl. Bot. 36: [2582] (1814)
Gabura multipartita (Sm.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 2: 873 (1891)
Lathagrium muelleri (Hepp ex Müll. Arg.) Arnold, Flora, Regensburg 50: 136, 142 (1867)
Lathagrium muelleri Arnold [as 'mülleri'], Flora, Regensburg 41(6): 90-91 (1858)
Lathagrium multipartitum (Sm.) Kremp., Denkschr. Kgl. Bayer. Bot. Ges., Abt. 2 4: 97 (1861)
Lempholemma muelleri (Hepp ex Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univers. 3: 17 (1924) [1925]
Physma muelleri Hepp ex Müll. Arg. [as 'mülleri'], Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. nat. Genève 16(2): 424 (1862)
Synechoblastus muelleri Hepp ex Anzi [as 'mülleri'], Cat. Lich. Sondr.: 4 (1860)
Synechoblastus multipartitus (Sm.) Körb., Syst. lich. germ. (Breslau): 415 (1855)

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015)

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