Current Name: Glaciozyma Turchetti, L.B. Connell, Thomas-Hall & Boekhout ex M. Groenew. & Q.M. Wang, in Li, Yuan, Groenewald, Bensch, Yurkov, Li, Han, Guo, Aime, Sampaio, Jindamorakot, Turchetti, Inacio, Fungsin, Wang & Bai, Stud. Mycol. 96: 133 (2020) Synonymy: Glaciozyma Turchetti, L.B. Connell, Thomas-Hall & Boekhout, in Turchetti, Thomas Hall, Connell, Branda, Buzzini, Theelen & Müller, Extremophiles 15(5): 579 (2011)
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