Current Name: Butyriboletus permagnificus (Pöder) Yang Wang, G. Wu, B. Zhang & Yu Li, in Wang, Ma, Wu, Yang, Liu, Rao, Dai, Gui, Tuo, Wang, Chen, Zhang & Li, Mycosphere 10(5, no. 348): 903 (2024) Synonymy: Boletus permagnificus Pöder, Sydowia 34: 151 (1981) Exsudoporus permagnificus (Pöder) Vizzini, Simonini & Gelardi, Index Fungorum 183: 1 (2014) Suillellus permagnificus (Pöder) Blanco-Dios, Index Fungorum 211: 1 (2015)
Synonymy Contributor(s): Kew Mycology (2024)
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