Current Name: Cokeria racemosa (Hildebr.) S.C.O. Paixão, Pires-Zottar. & A.L. Jesus, in Pires-Zottarelli, Paixão, Marano, Prado, James, Jerônimo, Boro, Thines & Jesus, Mycol. Progr. 23(no. 24): 10 (2024) Synonymy: Achlya lignicola Hildebr., Jb. wiss. Bot. 6: 255 (1867) Achlya racemosa Hildebr., Jb. wiss. Bot. 6: 61 (1867) Achlya racemosa f. maxima Minden, Krypt.-Fl. Brandenburg (Leipzig) 5: 548 (1912) [1915] Achlya racemosa f. polyspora Schkorb., Notul. syst. Inst. cryptog. Horti bot. petropol. 2: 35 (1923) Achlya racemosa var. lignicola (Hildebr.) Cornu, in Lambotte, Fl. myc. Belg. (Verviers) 2: 119 (1881) [1880] Achlya racemosa var. maxima (Minden) Cejp, Fl. ČSR, Oomycet. 1: 186 (1959) Achlya racemosa var. stelligera Cornu, in Lambotte, Fl. myc. Belg. (Verviers) 2: 119 (1881) [1880] Pringsheimina racemosa (Hildebr.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 2: 867 (1891)
Synonymy Contributor(s): Kew Mycology (2024)
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