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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Diaporthe sackstonii R.G. Shivas, S.M. Thomps. & Y.P. Tan, Persoonia 35: 46 (2015)


Phomopsis theicola Curzi, Atti Ist. bot. R. Univ. Pavia, 3 Sér. 3: 65 (1926)

Diaporthe caryae C.M. Tian & Qin Yang, in Yang, Fan, Guarnaccia & Tian, MycoKeys 39: 124 (2018)

Diaporthe machili S.T. Huang, J.W. Xia, W.X. Sun & X.G. Zhang, in Huang, Xia, Zhang & Sun, MycoKeys 78: 63 (2021)

Diaporthe orixae Q.T. Lu & Z. Zhang, in Lu, Zhang, Sun, Tang, Lu & Zhang, Phytotaxa 544(1): 45 (2022)

Position in classification:
Diaporthaceae, Diaporthales, Diaporthomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2025)

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