Basionym Name:Peltigera leptoderma Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. (Parisiis) 1(2): 325 (1860)
Homotypic synonyms:Peltigera erumpens f. leptoderma (Nyl.) Schol. ex Lynge, Skr. Svalbard Ishavet (Oslo)(no. 76): 12 (1939)Peltigera erumpens var. leptoderma (Nyl.) Dombr., in Dombrov et al., Opredelitel' Lishaĭnikov SSSR (Handbook of the Lichens of the USSR), 3. Caliciaceae-Gyalectaceae (Leningrad): 170 (1975)Peltigera spuria var. leptoderma (Nyl.) Frey, Ergebn. wiss. Unters. schweiz. NatnParks, N.S. 3(no. 27): 386 (1952)