Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Lichen polyrhizos L., Sp. pl. 2: 1151 (1753)

Homotypic synonyms:
Actinogyra polyrhiza (L.) Schol., Nytt Mag. Natur. 75: 28 (1934)
Actinogyra polyrhiza var. polyrhiza (L.) Schol., Nytt Mag. Natur. 75: 28 (1934)
Graphis polyrhizos (L.) Wallr., [as 'polyrrhiza'] Fl. crypt. Germ. (Norimbergae) 1: 337 (1831)
Graphis polyrhizos var. polyrhizos (L.) Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. (Norimbergae) 1: 337 (1831)
Gyromium polyrhizon (L.) Wahlenb., [as 'polyrrhizos'] Fl. Upsal.: 424 (1820)
Gyrophora polyrhizos (L.) Körb., [as 'polyrrhizos'] Parerga lichenol. (Breslau) 1: 41 (1859)
Gyrophora polyrhizos f. polyrhizos (L.) Körb., Parerga lichenol. (Breslau) 1: 41 (1859)
Gyrophora polyrrhizos var. polyrrhizos (L.) Körb., Parerga lichenol. (Breslau) 1: 41 (1859)
Gyrophora spadochroa var. polyrrhizos (L.) Hepp, Flecht. Europ.: no. 307 (1857)
Umbilicaria polyrhizos (L.) Stenh., in Fries, Sched. Crit. Lich. Suec., Fasc. 5-6: 3 (1825)
Umbilicaria polyrhizos var. polyrhizos (L.) Stenh., in Fries, Sched. Crit. Lich. Suec., Fasc. 5-6: 3 (1825)

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