Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 40 records. TofP BofP Acanthocystis algida (Fr.) Kühner (1926), (= Resupinatus algidus); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis applicatus (Batsch) Kühner (1926), (= Resupinatus applicatus); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis arata (Pat. & Demange) Singer (1943), (= Hohenbuehelia arata); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis atrocoerulea (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl. (1949), (= Hohenbuehelia atrocoerulea); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis auriscalpium (Maire) Konrad & Maubl. (1949), (= Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis carbonaria (Cooke & Massee) Konrad & Maubl. (1949), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis chevallieri (Pat.) Maire (1937), (= Hohenbuehelia chevallieri); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis cinereoalba (Pat. & Gaillard) Singer (1943), (= Hohenbuehelia cinereoalba); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis cubensis (Murrill) Singer (1943), (= Hohenbuehelia cubensis); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis cyphelliformis (Berk.) Konrad & Maubl. (1937), (= Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis gemmellari (Inzenga) Konrad & Maubl. (1949); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis geogenius (DC.) Kühner (1926), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis harmandii (Har. & Pat.) Singer (1943), (= Omphalotus guepiniiformis); Omphalotaceae Acanthocystis hepatotricha (Berk.) Singer (1943), (= Lentinellus pulvinulus); Auriscalpiaceae Acanthocystis hollandiana (Sumst.) Singer (1943), (= Pleurotus hollandianus); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis horrida Boedijn (1940), (= Hohenbuehelia horrida); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis leightonii (Berk.) Konrad & Maubl. (1929), (= Hohenbuehelia leightonii); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis longipes (Boud.) J. Favre (1948), (= Hohenbuehelia longipes); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis mastrucata (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl. (1949), (= Hohenbuehelia mastrucata); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis microsperma (Speg.) Singer (1943), (= Pleurotus microspermus); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis myxotricha (Lév.) Konrad & Maubl. (1949), (= Hohenbuehelia myxotricha); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis myxotrichus (Lév.) Métrod (1938), (= Hohenbuehelia myxotricha); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis petaloides (Bull.) Kühner (1926), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis petaloides var. geogenius (DC.) Konrad & Maublanc (1937), (= Hohenbuehelia petaloides); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis petaloides var. macrospora Bon (1970), (= Hohenbuehelia bonii); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis portegna (Speg.) Singer (1943), (= Hohenbuehelia portegna); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis pruinulosa (Pat. & Demange) Singer (1943), (= Hohenbuehelia pruinulosa); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis puttemansii (Henn.) Singer (1943), (= Marasmius puttemansii); Marasmiaceae Acanthocystis reniformis (G. Mey.) Konrad & Maubl. (1949), (= Hohenbuehelia reniformis); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis serotinus (Pers.) Konrad & Maubl. (1937), (= Sarcomyxa serotina); Sarcomyxaceae Acanthocystis silvana (Sacc.) Konrad & Maubl. (1937), (= Hohenbuehelia silvana); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis spiculifera (Berk.) Boedijn (1940); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis stratosa (G.F. Atk.) Singer (1943), (= Hohenbuehelia angustata); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis striatula (Pers.) Kühner (1926), (= Resupinatus striatulus); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis striatulus (Pers.) Kühner (1926), (= Resupinatus striatulus); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis submastrucata (Henn.) Singer (1943), (= Hohenbuehelia submastrucata); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis submitis (Speg.) Singer (1943), (= Pleurotus submitis); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis testudo (Berk.) Boedijn (1940), (= Hohenbuehelia testudo); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis unguicularis (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl. (1949), (= Hohenbuehelia unguicularis); Pleurotaceae Acanthocystis viscidula (Berk. & Broome) Singer (1943), (= Pleurotus viscidulus); Pleurotaceae
Pages: 1 of 40 records. TofP BofP