Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 18 records. TofP BofP Aithaloderma bambusinum Petr. (1931); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma camelliae Hara (1931); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma capense Doidge (1927), (= Chaetothyrium capense); Chaetothyriaceae Aithaloderma citri (Briosi & Pass.) Woron. (1926), (= Capnodium citri); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma clavatisporum Syd. & P. Syd. (1913); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma colchicum Woron. (1926); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma ferrugineum L.R. Fraser (1935); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma fici J.M. Mend. (1932); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma hederae (Pat.) Woron. (1926), (= Acanthostigma hederae); Tubeufiaceae Aithaloderma hederae var. caucasium Woron. (1926), (= Phaeochaetia woronichinii); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma himalayanum G.S. Mer & Sati (1988); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma japonica Hara (1931); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma longisetum Syd. & P. Syd. (1914); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma phyllostachydis Hara (1931); Capnodiaceae Aithaloderma setosum (Zimm.) Boedijn (1931), (= Chaetothyrium setosum); Chaetothyriaceae Aithaloderma spinigerum (Höhn.) Höhn. (1918), (= Chaetothyrium spinigerum); Chaetothyriaceae Aithaloderma taxi Woron. (1926), (= Systremma taxi); Dothideaceae Aithaloderma viride L.R. Fraser (1935); Capnodiaceae
Pages: 1 of 18 records. TofP BofP