Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 44 records. TofP BofP Byssosphaeria alnea (Peck) M.E. Barr (1984); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria aquila (Fr.) Stev. (1879), (= Rosellinia aquila); Xylariaceae Byssosphaeria barbicincta Ellis & Everh. (1888), (= Chaetosphaeria barbicincta); Chaetosphaeriaceae Byssosphaeria buxi (Fabre) Cooke (1887), (= Dematophora buxi); Xylariaceae Byssosphaeria callimorpha (Mont.) Cooke (1887), (= Dictyochaeta callimorpha); Chaetosphaeriaceae Byssosphaeria calyculus (Mont.) Cooke (1887), (= Nitschkia calyculus); Nitschkiaceae Byssosphaeria conferta (Schwein.) Cooke (1887), (= Scortechinia conferta); Scortechiniaceae Byssosphaeria corticium (Schwein.) Cooke (1887), (= Rosellinia corticium); Xylariaceae Byssosphaeria corynephora Cooke (1883), (= Trichosphaeria corynephora); Trichosphaeriaceae Byssosphaeria desmazieri (Berk. & Broome) Stev. (1879), (= Rosellinia desmazieri); Xylariaceae Byssosphaeria diffusa Cooke (1887), (= Herpotrichia diffusa); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria epixantha (Berk. & Broome) Cooke (1887), (= Hypoxylon epixanthum); Hypoxylaceae Byssosphaeria epochnii (Berk. & Broome) Cooke (1887), (= Exosporiella fungorum); Ascomycota Byssosphaeria erumpens Chi Y. Chen & W.H. Hsieh (2004); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria erythrinae (B. Huguenin) M.E. Barr (1984); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria euomphala (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Cooke (1887), (= Tympanopsis confertula); Scortechiniaceae Byssosphaeria guangdongensis Y.R. Xiong, Manawas. & K.D. Hyde (2023); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria hainanensis (Teng) W.Y. Li & W.Y. Zhuang (2008); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria helicophila (Cooke) Cooke (1887), (= Thaxteriella pezizula); Tubeufiaceae Byssosphaeria innumera (Berk. & Broome ex Tul. & C. Tul.) Cooke (1887), (= Chaetosphaeria innumera); Chaetosphaeriaceae Byssosphaeria investans (Cooke) Cooke (1887), (= Eriosphaeria investans); Trichosphaeriaceae Byssosphaeria jamaicana (Sivan.) M.E. Barr (1984); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria juniperi (Tracy & Earle) You Z. Wang, Aptroot & K.D. Hyde (2004); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria keithii (Berk. & Broome) Cooke (1879), (= Byssosphaeria schiedermayriana); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria luteobasis (Ellis) Cooke (1887), (= Endoxylina luteobasis); Sordariomycetes Byssosphaeria macarangae Tennakoon, C.H. Kuo & K.D. Hyde (2018); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria musae Phook. & K.D. Hyde (2015); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria oviformis M.E. Barr (1984); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria pachnostoma Berk. & M.A. Curtis ex Cooke (1887), (= Pseudotrichia pachnostoma); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria phaeostroma (Durieu & Mont.) Stev. (1879), (= Chaetosphaerella phaeostroma); Chaetosphaerellaceae Byssosphaeria phoenicis Kular. & K.D. Hyde (2022); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria poaceicola D.S. Tennakoon & D.M. Hu (2024); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria quercina (R. Hartig) Cooke (1887), (= Rosellinia quercina); Xylariaceae Byssosphaeria rhodomphala (Berk.) Cooke (1887); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria salebrosa (Sacc.) M.E. Barr (1984); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria schiedermayriana (Fuckel) M.E. Barr (1984); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria semen (Cooke & Peck) M.E. Barr (1984); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria siamensis Boonmee, Q. Tian & K.D. Hyde (2015); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria taiwanense Tennakoon, C.H. Kuo & K.D. Hyde (2018); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria thelena (Fr.) Stev. (1879), (= Rosellinia thelena); Xylariaceae Byssosphaeria thelena var. elegans Duby ex Cooke (1887), (= Rosellinia thelena); Xylariaceae Byssosphaeria tristis (J. Kickx f.) Cooke (1887), (= Acanthonitschkea tristis); Nitschkiaceae Byssosphaeria villosa (Samuels & E. Müll.) Boise (1986), (= Herpotrichia villosa); Melanommataceae Byssosphaeria xestothele (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) M.E. Barr (1984); Melanommataceae
Pages: 1 of 44 records. TofP BofP