Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 19 records. TofP BofP Ceratopodium album Corda (1837), (= Graphium album); Microascaceae Ceratopodium anomalum (Berk.) Kuntze (1891), (= Stilbum anomalum); Chionosphaeraceae Ceratopodium aterrimum (Welw. & Curr.) Kuntze (1891), (= Stilbocrea aterrima); Bionectriaceae Ceratopodium bicolor (Pers.) Kuntze (1891), (= Stilbum bicolor); Chionosphaeraceae Ceratopodium cavipes (Oudem.) Kuntze (1891), (= Coelographium cavipes); Ascomycota Ceratopodium clavula (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze (1891), (= Graphium clavula); Microascaceae Ceratopodium clavulatum (Mont.) Kuntze (1891), (= Gracilistilbella clavulata); Bionectriaceae Ceratopodium flexuosum (Massee) Kuntze (1891), (= Graphium flexuosum); Microascaceae Ceratopodium giganteum (Peck) Kuntze (1891), (= Holwaya mucida); Leotiomycetidae Ceratopodium grovei (Sacc.) Kuntze (1891), (= Phaeoisaria clavulata); Diatrypaceae Ceratopodium nanum (Ehrenb.) Kuntze (1891), (= Cephalotrichum nanum); Microascaceae Ceratopodium penicillioides (Corda) Kuntze (1891), (= Sphaerostilbella penicillioides); Hypocreaceae Ceratopodium piliforme (Pers.) Kuntze (1891), (= Stilbum piliforme); Chionosphaeraceae Ceratopodium pusillum (Wallr.) Kuntze (1891), (= Cephalotrichum stemonitis); Microascaceae Ceratopodium rigidum (Pers.) Kuntze (1891), (= Graphium rigidum); Microascaceae Ceratopodium smaragdinum (Alb. & Schwein.) Kuntze (1891), (= Dendrostilbella smaragdina); Tympanidaceae Ceratopodium stevensonii (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze (1891), (= Stilbum stevensonii); Chionosphaeraceae Ceratopodium typhinum (Wallr.) Kuntze (1891), (= Cephalotrichum stemonitis); Microascaceae Ceratopodium xanthocephalum (Ditmar) Kuntze (1891), (= Graphium xanthocephalum); Microascaceae
Pages: 1 of 19 records. TofP BofP