Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP Cladotrichum brassicae Ellis & Barthol. (1899), (= Cladosporium brassicae); Cladosporiaceae Cladotrichum clavariarum (Desm.) Höhn. (1923), (= Helminthosphaeria clavariarum); Helminthosphaeriaceae Cladotrichum cookei Sacc. (1886), (= Chaetosphaerella fusca); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum didymum (J.C. Schmidt) Sacc. (1886), (= Chaetosphaerella fusca); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum foliicola (Niessl ex Sacc.) Ferro (1907); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum fuscum (Pers.) Sacc. (1886), (= Hypoxylon fuscum); Hypoxylaceae Cladotrichum mangiferae Bat. (1956), (= Johncouchia mangiferae); Septobasidiaceae Cladotrichum mitratum Penz. & Sacc. (1902); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum myrmecophilum (Fresen.) Lagerh. (1900), (= Ophiocordyceps forquignonii); Ophiocordycipitaceae Cladotrichum nigrescens (Link) Sacc. (1886), (= Chaetosphaerella fusca); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum nigrum (Link) Sacc. (1886), (= Brachysporium nigrum); Trichosphaeriaceae Cladotrichum polysporum Corda (1831), (= Chaetosphaerella fusca); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum scyphophorum Corda (1839), (= Chaetosphaerella fusca); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum simplex Sacc. (1906); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum strictum Sacc. (1878), (= Diplococcium strictum); Mollisiaceae Cladotrichum tapesii Sacc. (1908); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum ternatum Bonord. (1851), (= Hypomyces aurantius); Hypocreaceae Cladotrichum triseptatum Berk. & Broome (1851), (= Chaetosphaerella phaeostroma); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum uniseptatum Cooke (1875), (= Chaetosphaerella fusca); Chaetosphaerellaceae Cladotrichum uniseptatum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1886), (= Diplococcium uniseptatum); Mollisiaceae
Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP