Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 8 records. TofP BofP Conotrema albonigrum Zahlbr. (1935), (= Trinathotrema stictideum); Stictidaceae Conotrema harmandii (Pit.) Gilenstam (1969), (= Thelotrema harmandii); Graphidaceae Conotrema homalotropum (Nyl.) A.L. Sm. (1911), (= Bactrospora homalotropa); Arthoniales Conotrema lumbricoides Sipman (1997), (= Trinathotrema lumbricoides); Stictidaceae Conotrema populorum Gilenstam (1969), (= Stictis populorum); Stictidaceae Conotrema stictideum (Nyl.) G. Salisb. (1974), (= Trinathotrema stictideum); Stictidaceae Conotrema urceolatum sensu auct. brit., (= Bactrospora homalotropa); Arthoniales Conotrema urceolatum (Ach.) Tuck. (1848), (= Stictis urceolata); Stictidaceae
Pages: 1 of 8 records. TofP BofP