Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 2 [Next >>] of 393 records. TofP BofP Dothidea abortiva Desm. (1860), (= Phyllachora abortiva); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea acerina (Pers.) Rabenh. (1840), (= Rhytisma acerinum); Rhytismataceae Dothidea acerva M.E. Barr (1972); Dothideaceae Dothidea acervulata Schwein. ex Fr. (1828), (= Phyllachora acervulata); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea acicola (Dearn.) M. Morelet (1968), (= Lecanosticta acicola); Mycosphaerellaceae Dothidea acrocomiae Mont. (1856), (= Camarotella acrocomiae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea advena Ces. (1861), (= Melanops advena); Botryosphaeriaceae Dothidea alchemillae (Grev.) Fr. (1828), (= Coleroa alchemillae); Venturiaceae Dothidea alnea (Pers.) Fr. (1823), (= Asteroma alneum); Gnomoniaceae Dothidea aloetica Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1869), (= Phyllachora aloetica); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea alyxiae Massee (1896), (= Cycloschizon alyxiae); Parmulariaceae Dothidea ambiens Lib. (1837), (= Omphalospora stellariae); Dothideaceae Dothidea ambrosiae Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1876), (= Cryptophyllachora ambrosiae); Sordariomycetes Dothidea amorphae Rabenh. (1873); Dothideaceae Dothidea amphimelaena Mont. (1843), (= Microcyclus amphimelaenus); Planistromellaceae Dothidea anemones (DC.) Fr. (1823), (= Synchytrium anemones); Synchytriaceae Dothidea anethi (Pers.) Fr. (1849), (= Fusoidiella anethi); Mycosphaerellaceae Dothidea angelicae Fr. (1823), (= Phyllachora angelicae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea annulata Cooke (1885), (= Phyllachora annulata); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea anomala Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1869), (= Phyllachora anomala); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea anthurii E. Bommer & M. Rousseau (1896), (= Phyllachora phylloplaca); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea appendiculosa Mont. & Berk. (1844), (= Vizella appendiculosa); Vizellaceae Dothidea arduinae Kalchbr. & Cooke (1880), (= Leveillina arduinae); Dothideomycetes Dothidea aristidae (Schwein.) Ellis (1879), (= Phyllachora aristidae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea artemisiae (Schwein.) Schwein. (1873); Dothideaceae Dothidea asclepiadis Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora asclepiadis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea aspidea (Berk.) Berk. & Broome (1873), (= Phyllachora aspidea); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea asteroma Fr. (1823), (= Mycosphaerella asteroma); Mycosphaerellaceae Dothidea asteromorpha (Schwein.) Fr. (1823), (= Phyllachora asteromorpha); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea astragali Lasch (1842), (= Stigmatula astragali); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea astroidea Berk. (1836), (= Piggotia astroidea); Didymellaceae Dothidea atramentaria Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1876), (= Balansia epichloe); Clavicipitaceae Dothidea australis (Speg.) Cooke (1885), (= Bagnisiella australis); Dothideaceae Dothidea azmati S.R. Chowdhury (1946); Dothideaceae Dothidea baccharidis Cooke (1883); Dothideaceae Dothidea baccharidis Berk. & M.A. Curtis ex Sacc. (1886), (= Microcyclus tinctoria); Planistromellaceae Dothidea barringtoniae Berk. & Broome (1873), (= Phyllachora barringtoniae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea basirufa Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1869), (= Dothidella basirufa); Polystomellaceae Dothidea berberidis De Not. (1841); Dothideaceae Dothidea betulina (Fr.) Fr. (1823), (= Atopospora betulina); Venturiaceae Dothidea betulina var. betulae-nanae (Wahlenb.) Fr. (1823), (= Phyllachora betulae-nanae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea brachystemonis (Schwein.) Fr. (1823), (= Phyllachora brachystemonis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea brassicae Desm. (1842), (= Mycosphaerella brassicicola); Mycosphaerellaceae Dothidea brassicae f. cochleariae Westend. (1866), (= Mycosphaerella brassicicola); Mycosphaerellaceae Dothidea bullata Fr. (1830); Dothideaceae Dothidea bullata Berk. (1845), (= Systremma placenta); Dothideaceae Dothidea bullulata Berk. (1880), (= Phyllachora bullulata); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea bumeliae Schwein. (1832), (= Polystigma bumeliae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea calamigena Berk. & Broome (1873), (= Malthomyces calamigenus); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea calophylli Berk. & Broome (1873), (= Scirrhia calophylli); Dothideaceae Dothidea calystegiae Cooke & Harkn. (1885), (= Dothidella calystegiae); Polystomellaceae Dothidea campanulae (DC.) Fr. (1823), (= Leptotrochila campanulae); Drepanopezizaceae Dothidea canaliculata (Schwein.) Berk. (1876), (= Puccinia canaliculata); Pucciniaceae Dothidea caricis (Fr.) Fr. (1849), (= Eudarluca caricis); Phaeosphaeriaceae Dothidea castagnei Mont. (1856), (= Scirrhia castagnei); Dothideaceae Dothidea castaneae Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora castaneae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea cayennensis (DC.) Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1854), (= Phyllachora cayennensis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea centrolobii Henn. (1904), (= Achorella centrolobii); Dothideomycetes Dothidea cepae Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora cepae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea cerasi Cooke & Ellis (1876), (= Melanops ceras); Botryosphaeriaceae Dothidea cercidis Cooke (1885), (= Phaeobotryon cercidis); Botryosphaeriaceae Dothidea cercocarpi Ellis & Everh. (1894), (= Gibbera cercocarpi); Venturiaceae Dothidea cespitosa (Tode) Fr. (1818), (= Cladosphaera cespitosa); Ascomycota Dothidea chaetomium Kunze (1823), (= Coleroa chaetomium); Venturiaceae Dothidea chalybaea Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora chalybaea); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea chamaeropis Cooke (1879), (= Phaeochora steinheilii); Phaeochoraceae Dothidea chenopodii Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora chenopodii); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea cinerascens Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora cinerascens); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea circinata Kalchbr. & Cooke (1880), (= Phyllachora dolichogena); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea circumscripta Berk. (1845), (= Sphaerodothis circumscripta); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea circumvaga Desm. (1847), (= Mycosphaerella circumvaga); Mycosphaerellaceae Dothidea cladonema (Wedd.) Vouaux (1912), (= Clypeococcum cladonema); Polycoccaceae Dothidea clavispora (Cooke & Peck) Peck (1878), (= Massariosphaeria clavispora); Thyridariaceae Dothidea clavuligera Mont. ex Cooke (1885), (= Bagnisiopsis rhamni); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea coccodes (Lév.) Cooke & Massee (1888), (= Pseudothis coccodes); Diaporthales Dothidea colensoi Berk. (1855), (= Diplochorella colensoi); Planistromellaceae Dothidea colliculosa Berk. (1836); Dothideaceae Dothidea collinsii (Schwein.) Ellis (1881), (= Apiosporina collinsii); Venturiaceae Dothidea concaviuscula Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Scirrhia concaviuscula); Dothideaceae Dothidea conferta Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora conferta); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea conorum (Fuckel) Cooke (1885), (= Pseudoanthostomella conorum); Xylariaceae Dothidea conspicua Griffiths (1899), (= Thyridaria conspicua); Thyridariaceae Dothidea conspurcata Berk. (1839), (= Phyllachora conspurcata); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea controversa (Starbäck) Speg. (1912), (= Stigmochora controversa); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea corallina Mont. (1835), (= Meliola corallina); Meliolaceae Dothidea crotonis Cooke (1882), (= Phyllachora crotonis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea crustacea Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora crustacea); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea culmicola Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora culmicola); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea curumamuel (Speg.) Cooke (1885), (= Montagnella curumamuel); Dothideomycetes Dothidea dalibardae Peck (1875), (= Phyllachora dalibardae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea daphnopsidis Henn. (1904), (= Phaeodothis daphnopsidis); Didymosphaeriaceae Dothidea dasylirii Peck (1882), (= Botryosphaeria quercuum); Botryosphaeriaceae Dothidea decaisneana Lév. (1845), (= Phyllachora decaisneana); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea decolorans Fr. (1828); Dothideaceae Dothidea delicatula Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora delicatula); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea delilei Durieu & Mont. (1848), (= Melanops delilei); Botryosphaeriaceae Dothidea demersa (Corda) Cooke (1876), (= Phyllachora demersa); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea denigrans Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora denigrans); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea depazeoides Desm. (1838), (= Dothidella depazeoides); Polystomellaceae Dothidea deusta Fr. (1828), (= Phyllachora deusta); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea dioscoreae Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora dioscoreae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea dispersa Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora dispersa); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea dolichogena Berk. & Broome (1873), (= Phyllachora dolichogena); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea drimydis Lév. (1845), (= Crotone drimydis); Venturiaceae Dothidea edax Berk. & Broome (1873), (= Ophiodothella edax); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea edgeworthiae Syd., P. Syd. & Hara (1913); Dothideaceae Dothidea effusa Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora effusa); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea elegans Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora elegans); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea elettariae Berk. & Broome (1873), (= Phyllachora elettariae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea elliptica Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora elliptica); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea emmoti Henn. (1895), (= Crotone emmoti); Venturiaceae Dothidea endocrypta Mont. ex Mussat (1901), (= Leveillina endocrypta); Dothideomycetes Dothidea epilobii Fr. (1823), (= Euryachora epilobii); Mycosphaerellaceae Dothidea episphaeria Peck (1878), (= Phyllachora episphaeria); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea epitypha Cooke (1879), (= Septomazzantia epitypha); Diaporthaceae Dothidea eucalypti Crous (2017); Dothideaceae Dothidea euglypta Mont. (1840), (= Coccoidella euglypta); Coccoideaceae Dothidea eupatorii Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1876), (= Phyllachora eupatorii); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea examinans (Berk.) Mont. & Berk. (1844), (= Bagnisiella examinans); Dothideaceae Dothidea exanthematica (Lév. ex Cooke) Berk. ex Sacc. (1886), (= Phyllachora exanthematica); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea exasperans (Schwein.) Fr. (1823), (= Phyllachora exasperans); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea excavata Cooke & Ellis (1877), (= Dictyodothis excavata); Dothideaceae Dothidea explanata Lév. (1845), (= Phyllachora explanata); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea exsculpta Berk. (1854), (= Parmulina exsculpta); Parmulariaceae Dothidea fatiscens Schwein. ex Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1854), (= Phyllachora fatiscens); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea filicina (Fr.) Fr. (1849), (= Rhopographus filicinus); Dothideomycetes Dothidea filicina var. nervisequia Berk. (1854), (= Rhagadolobium nervisequium); Parmulariaceae Dothidea filicum Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora filicum); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea fimbriata (Pers.) J. Kickx f. (1835), (= Gnomonia fimbriata); Gnomoniaceae Dothidea fimbristylidis Berk. & Broome (1887), (= Phyllachora fimbristylidis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea frangulae Fuckel (1870); Dothideaceae Dothidea fraxini (DC.) Fr. (1823), (= Passalora fraxini); Mycosphaerellaceae Dothidea frigoris Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora frigoris); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea fructigena Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora fructigena); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea fulva (Pers. ex DC.) Fr. (1823), (= Polystigma fulvum); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea funesta Fr. (1823); Dothideaceae Dothidea gangraena (Fr.) Fr. ex Rabenh. (1861), (= Telimenella gangraena); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea gentianae Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora gentianae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea geographica (DC.) Fr. (1823), (= Asteroma geographicum); Gnomoniaceae Dothidea geranii (Fr.) Fr. (1823), (= Venturia geranii); Venturiaceae Dothidea globulosa Cooke & Massee (1888); Dothideaceae Dothidea glycines Schwein. (1832), (= Parodiella hedysari); Parodiellaceae Dothidea goudotii Lév. (1845), (= Roumegueria goudotii); Dothideomycetes Dothidea gougetiana Mont. (1842), (= Mazzantia gougetiana); Diaporthaceae Dothidea graminis (Pers.) Chevall. (1826), (= Phyllachora graminis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea graminis f. luzulae (Rabenh.) Rabenh. (1866), (= Phyllachora luzulae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea graminis f. poarum (Fr.) Fuckel (1864), (= Phyllachora graminis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea graminis var. elymorum (Fr.) Chevall. (1826), (= Phyllachora graminis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea grammodes Kunze (1828), (= Pseudomeliola grammodes); Hypocreales Dothidea granulosa Hook. & Arn. (1832), (= Campoa granulosa); Parmulariaceae Dothidea granulosa Klotzsch & Berk. (1839), (= Phyllachora granulosa); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea granulosa Lév. (1846), (= Phyllachora granulosa); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea granulosa Klotzsch (1850), (= Campoa granulosa); Parmulariaceae Dothidea grevilleae Lév. (1846), (= Phyllachora grevilleae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea halepensis Cooke (1878), (= Thyriopsis halepensis); Asterinaceae Dothidea haraeana Syd. & P. Syd. (1913), (= Valsaria haraeana); Valsariaceae Dothidea haydenii Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1876), (= Guignardia haydenii); Phyllostictaceae Dothidea hederae Moug. ex Fr. (1823), (= Hypoderma hederae); Rhytismataceae Dothidea heliopsidis (Schwein.) Fr. (1823), (= Gibberidea heliopsidis); Botryosphaeriaceae Dothidea hemisphaerica Berk. (1845), (= Clypeostroma hemisphaericum); Dothideomycetes Dothidea heraclei Fr. (1823), (= Phyllachora heraclei); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea hibiscicola Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora hibiscicola); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea himantia (Pers.) Fr. (1823), (= Asterina himantia); Asterinaceae Dothidea himantia var. atramentosa Fr. (1823), (= Asterina himantia); Asterinaceae Dothidea hippophaes Fuckel (1868); Dothideaceae Dothidea hymeniicola Berk. & Broome (1852), (= Verrucoccum hymeniicola); Dictyosporiaceae Dothidea hypophylla Schwein. (1854), (= Asterina hypophylla); Asterinaceae Dothidea hyssopi Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora hyssopi); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea hysteriiformis P. Karst. (1866), (= Exarmidium hysteriiforme); Hyponectriaceae Dothidea hysterioides Ces. (1879), (= Roussoella hysterioides); Roussoellaceae Dothidea ilicis Cooke (1878), (= Peyronellaea obtusa); Didymellaceae Dothidea impatientis Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora impatientis); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea impressa Fr. (1823), (= Diplocarpon impressum); Drepanopezizaceae Dothidea incarcerata Berk. (1854), (= Phyllachora incarcerata); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea inclusa Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1860), (= Phyllachora inclusa); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea indica Loeffler & S.K. Bose (1962), (= Stylodothis indica); Dothideaceae Dothidea inelegans Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora inelegans); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea insculpta Wallr. (1833); Dothideaceae Dothidea iridis Desm. (1847), (= Rachicladosporium iridis); Cladosporiaceae Dothidea johnstonii Berk. & Broome (1871), (= Venturia maculiformis); Venturiaceae Dothidea juglandicola Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora juglandicola); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea juglandis Duby (1830); Dothideaceae Dothidea juglandis Mont. (1859), (= Amerodothis juglandis); Didymellaceae Dothidea juncaginearum Lasch (1844), (= Venturia juncaginearum); Venturiaceae Dothidea junci (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. (1849), (= Phyllachora junci); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea juniperi Desm. (1841), (= Seynesiella juniperi); Microthyriaceae Dothidea juruana Henn. (1904), (= Achorella juruana); Dothideomycetes Dothidea kalmiae Peck (1873), (= Phylleutypa kalmiae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea kniphofiae Kalchbr. & Cooke (1880), (= Phyllachora kniphofiae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea kunmingensis Ying Gao, Gentekaki & Monkai (2021); Dothideaceae Dothidea lathyri Lév. (1842), (= Diachora lathyri); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea latitans Fr. (1823), (= Dothiorella latitans); Botryosphaeriaceae Dothidea lauri (Sowerby) P. Crouan & H. Crouan (1867), (= Phacidium lauri); Phacidiaceae Dothidea lauricola Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora lauricola); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea lespedezae (Schwein.) Berk. (1876), (= Phyllachora lespedezae); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea lichenum Sommerf. (1826), (= Plectocarpon lichenum); Lecanographaceae Dothidea limitata Diehl (1939), (= Balansia epichloe); Clavicipitaceae Dothidea lineola Schwein. (1832), (= Phyllachora lineola); Phyllachoraceae Dothidea lonicerae (Fr.) Fr. (1823), (= Lasiobotrys lonicerae); Venturiaceae Dothidea lonicerae Cooke (1885), (= Lasiobotrys lonicerae); Venturiaceae
Pages: 1 2 [Next >>] of 393 records. TofP BofP