Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 38 records. TofP BofP Grammothele africana Ipulet & Ryvarden (2005); Polyporaceae Grammothele aurantiaca A.M.S. Soares (2019); Polyporaceae Grammothele bambusicola Ryvarden (1984); Polyporaceae Grammothele boliviana Karasiński (2015); Polyporaceae Grammothele brasiliensis Ryvarden (2015); Polyporaceae Grammothele ceracea Rick (1938); Polyporaceae Grammothele cineracea Bres. (1915), (= Grammothele lineata); Polyporaceae Grammothele crocicreas (Ces.) Lloyd (1923); Polyporaceae Grammothele crocistroma Lloyd (1924); Polyporaceae Grammothele delicata Bres. (1915), (= Junghuhnia crustacea); Steccherinaceae Grammothele delicatula (Henn.) Ryvarden (1980); Polyporaceae Grammothele denticulata Y.C. Dai & L.W. Zhou (2012); Polyporaceae Grammothele effusoreflexa S. Banerjee (1936); Polyporaceae Grammothele fuligo (Berk. & Broome) Ryvarden (1979), (= Cyanoporus fuligo); Polyporaceae Grammothele glauca (Cooke) P. Roberts (2009); Polyporaceae Grammothele grisea Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1869), (= Grammothele lineata); Polyporaceae Grammothele hainanensis F. Wu & L.W. Zhou (2016); Polyporaceae Grammothele hondurensis (Murrill) Ryvarden (1985), (= Diplomitoporus hondurensis); Polyporales Grammothele hydnopora (Berk.) Bres. (1920), (= Grammothele lineata); Polyporaceae Grammothele hydnopora var. bahianensis Bres. (1920), (= Grammothele lineata); Polyporaceae Grammothele javensis (Mont. & Berk.) Lloyd (1923), (= Hymenogramme javensis); Polyporales Grammothele lacticolor Ryvarden (2015); Polyporaceae Grammothele lineata Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1869); Polyporaceae Grammothele macrospora Ryvarden (1980), (= Grammothelopsis macrospora); Polyporaceae Grammothele mappa Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1869), (= Grammothele lineata); Polyporaceae Grammothele micropora A.M.S. Soares & W.K.S. Xavier (2019); Polyporaceae Grammothele obscura Ryvarden (2019); Polyporaceae Grammothele ochracea Ryvarden (1982); Polyporaceae Grammothele polygramma Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1869), (= Grammothele lineata); Polyporaceae Grammothele pseudomappa P.H.B. Talbot (1951); Polyporaceae Grammothele pulchella (Bres.) Ryvarden (1988); Polyporaceae Grammothele quercina (Y.C. Dai) B.K. Cui & Hai J. Li (2013); Polyporaceae Grammothele separabillima H.S. Yuan (2015), (= Pseudogrammothele separabillima); Polyporaceae Grammothele setulosa (Henn.) Ryvarden (1980), (= Megasporoporia setulosa); Polyporaceae Grammothele simplex Pat. (1923), (= Grammothele lineata); Polyporaceae Grammothele subargentea (Speg.) Rajchenb. (1983); Polyporaceae Grammothele taiwanensis C.C. Chen (2023); Polyporaceae Grammothele venezuelica Ryvarden (2015); Polyporaceae
Pages: 1 of 38 records. TofP BofP