Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 40 records. TofP BofP Hygrophoropsis albida sensu NCL (1960) p.p., (= Cantharellopsis prescotii); Hymenochaetales Hygrophoropsis albida sensu NCL (1960) p.p., (= Gerronema stevensonii); Agaricales Hygrophoropsis albida (Fr.) Maire (1933), (= Gerronema albidum); Agaricales Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wulfen) Maire (1921); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wulfen) Maire ex Martin-Sans (1929); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var. lactea (Fr.) Corner (1966), (= Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var. macrospora D.A. Reid (1972), (= Hygrophoropsis macrospora); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var. nana Singer (1946), (= Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var. nigripes (Pers.) Kühner & Romagn. (1953), (= Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var. pallida (Cooke) Kühner & Romagn. (1953), (= Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var. pallida (Cooke) Heykoop & Esteve-Rav. (1995), (= Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var. robusta Antonín (2000), (= Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca var. rufa D.A. Reid (1972), (= Hygrophoropsis rufa); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis bicolor Hongo (1963); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis bicolor Heinem. & Rammeloo (1985), (= Hygrophoropsis zambiensis); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis coacta McNabb (1969); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis flabelliformis (Berk. & Ravenel) Corner (1966); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis flavida Testoni & Setti (2022); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis fuscosquamula P.D. Orton (1960); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis kivuensis Heinem. (1963); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis lactea (Fr.) Rea ex Roux (2006), (= Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis laevis Heinem. & Rammeloo (1985); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis macrospora (D.A. Reid) Kuyper (1996); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis mangenotii Locq. (1954); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis morganii (Peck) H.E. Bigelow (1975), (= Aphroditeola olida); Hygrophoraceae Hygrophoropsis ochraceolutea Contu & Bon (1991); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis olida (Quél.) Métrod (1949), (= Aphroditeola olida); Hygrophoraceae Hygrophoropsis pallida sensu auct., (= Hygrophoropsis macrospora); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis pallida (Peck) Kreisel ex M. Gyosheva & D. Stoykov (2017), (= Hygrophorus pallidus); Hygrophoraceae Hygrophoropsis panamensis Singer (1983); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis phragmiticola L.T. Ban & Meng Zhou (2022); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis psammophila (Cleland) Grgur. (1997); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis purpurascens (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Dennis (1952); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis rufa (D.A. Reid) Knudsen (2008); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis rufescens Singer (1986); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis stevensonii (Berk. & Broome) Corner (1966), (= Gerronema stevensonii); Agaricales Hygrophoropsis tapinia Singer (1946); Hygrophoropsidaceae Hygrophoropsis umbonata (J.F. Gmel.) Kühner & Romagn. (1953), (= Cantharellula umbonata); Hygrophoraceae Hygrophoropsis umbriceps (Cooke) McNabb (1969), (= Cantharellus umbriceps); Hydnaceae Hygrophoropsis zambiensis Blanco-Dios (2021); Hygrophoropsidaceae
Pages: 1 of 40 records. TofP BofP