Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP Hypospila appendiculosa (Berk. & Broome) Bonord. (1864), (= Anthostomella appendiculosa); Xylariaceae Hypospila arctica (P. Karst.) Cooke (1885), (= Pleospora eleocharidis); Pleosporaceae Hypospila bambusae (Lév.) Cooke (1885), (= Anthostomella bambusae); Xylariaceae Hypospila bavarica Rehm (1908), (= Plagiostoma bavaricum); Gnomoniaceae Hypospila bifrons (DC.) Sacc. (1883), (= Hypospilina bifrons); Valsaceae Hypospila cordiana Ellis & Kelsey (1897), (= Diatractium cordianum); Phyllachoraceae Hypospila eucalypti Wakef. (1912), (= Mycosphaerella eucalypti); Mycosphaerellaceae Hypospila groenlandica Rostr. (1888), (= Pleuroceras groenlandicum); Gnomoniaceae Hypospila immunda (Cooke) Sacc. (1883), (= Leiosphaerella succinea); Pseudomassariaceae Hypospila nyssae (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Cooke (1885), (= Isothea nyssae); Phyllachoraceae Hypospila ordinata (Fr.) Bonord. (1864), (= Ceratosphaeria ordinata); Ceratosphaeriaceae Hypospila oyedaeae (Syd.) J.H. Mill. & Burton (1943), (= Phyllocelis oyedaeae); Sordariomycetes Hypospila populina (Duby ex Pers.) Fr. (1849), (= Linospora ceuthocarpa); Gnomoniaceae Hypospila pustula (Pers.) P. Karst. (1873), (= Hypospilina pustula); Valsaceae Hypospila quercina Fr. (1849), (= Hypospilina bifrons); Valsaceae Hypospila rehmii Sacc. (1883), (= Plagiostoma rehmii); Gnomoniaceae Hypospila rhytismoides (Fr.) Niessl (1885), (= Isothea rhytismoides); Phyllachoraceae Hypospila saligna (Ehrh. ex Pers.) Cooke (1885), (= Linospora saligna); Gnomoniaceae Hypospila viburni Buckn. (1883), (= Linospora saligna); Gnomoniaceae Hypospila vulgaris (Fuckel) Cooke (1885), (= Linospora vulgaris); Gnomoniaceae
Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP