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Pages: 1 of 17 records. TofP BofP

Kylindria aquatica Z.L. Luo, Maharachch. & Cheew (2018); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria chinensis Maharachch., H.Y. Su & Cheew (2018); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria clavata (W. Gams) DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr. (1983), (= Cylindrotrichum clavatum); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria conglutinata Matsush. (1993); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria ellisii (Morgan-Jones) DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr. (1983), (= Cylindrotrichum ellisii); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria embeliae Y.D. Zhang & X.G. Zhang (2011); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria eucalypti G.G. Barreto & Gusmão (2021); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria excentrica Bhat & B. Sutton (1985), (= Cylindrotrichum excentricum); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria keitae Rambelli & Onofri (1987); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria millettiae Y.D. Zhang & X.G. Zhang (2011); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria obesispora R.F. Castañeda (1988); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria oblongispora (Morgan-Jones) DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr. (1983); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria peruamazonensis Matsush. (1993); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria pluriseptata R.F. Castañeda (1987); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria trichothecioidea W.B. Kendr. & R.F. Castañeda (1990); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria triseptata (Matsush.) DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr. (1983), (= Cylindrotrichum triseptatum); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Kylindria zignoellae (Höhn.) DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr. (1983), (= Cylindrotrichum zignoellae); Chaetosphaeriaceae

Pages: 1 of 17 records. TofP BofP