Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 22 records. TofP BofP Polystomella abietis Höhn. (1910), (= Polyclypeolum abietis); Schizothyriaceae Polystomella aphanes Rehm (1904), (= Tomasellia aphanes); Naetrocymbaceae Polystomella banisteriae (Henn.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae Polystomella borneensis Petr. (1954), (= Protothyrium borneense); Parmulariaceae Polystomella caulicola Doidge (1921); Polystomellaceae Polystomella costaricensis F. Stevens (1927); Polystomellaceae Polystomella crassa (Rehm) Theiss. (1914), (= Microthyrium crassum); Microthyriaceae Polystomella granulosa (Sacc.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Campoa granulosa); Parmulariaceae Polystomella kaduae F. Stevens & R.W. Ryan (1925), (= Dothidella kaduae); Polystomellaceae Polystomella kawagoii Hara (1915), (= Microcyclus kawagoii); Planistromellaceae Polystomella labens (Sacc., Syd. & P. Syd.) Höhn. (1909), (= Campoa granulosa); Parmulariaceae Polystomella miconiae Syd. & P. Syd. (1901), (= Cyclotheca miconiae); Microthyriaceae Polystomella nectandrae Toro (1932); Polystomellaceae Polystomella nervisequia Höhn. (1909), (= Microcyclella nervisequia); Dothideomycetes Polystomella piperis Viégas (1944); Polystomellaceae Polystomella pulchella (Speg.) Theiss. (1912), (= Rhagadolobium pulchellum); Parmulariaceae Polystomella repanda Speg. (1918); Polystomellaceae Polystomella rubiacearum G. Arnaud (1918), (= Dothidella rubiacearum); Polystomellaceae Polystomella salvadorae (Cooke) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Protothyrium salvadorae); Parmulariaceae Polystomella scutula (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Speg. (1889), (= Coccoidella scutula); Coccoideaceae Polystomella sordidula (Lév.) Racib. (1909), (= Cyclotheca sordidula); Microthyriaceae Polystomella trichiliae Syd. (1925), (= Protothyrium trichiliae); Parmulariaceae
Pages: 1 of 22 records. TofP BofP