Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 25 records. TofP BofP Porotheleum albidum (A.K. Dutta, K. Acharya & Antonín) Vizzini & Consiglio (2022); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum albodescendens J.A. Cooper (2022); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum bombycinum Speg. (1884), (= Phaeoporotheleum bombycinum); Cyphellaceae Porotheleum cinereum Pat. (1893), (= Resupinatus cinereus); Pleurotaceae Porotheleum confusum Berk. & Broome (1878), (= Dacryobolus sudans); Dacryobolaceae Porotheleum daedalea (Schwein.) Pat. (1900), (= Resupinatus daedalea); Pleurotaceae Porotheleum domingense Angelini, Vizzini, Consiglio & M. Marchetti (2022), (= Vizzinia domingensis); Agaricomycetidae Porotheleum fimbriatum (Pers.) Fr. (1818); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum friesii sensu Rea (1922) and sensu auct. brit., (= Irpex rosettiformis); Irpicaceae Porotheleum huia (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1957), (= Resupinatus huia); Pleurotaceae Porotheleum incanum (Kalchbr.) Sacc. (1888), (= Resupinatus incanus); Pleurotaceae Porotheleum leucobombycinum W.B. Cooke (1957), (= Ceriporia xylostromatoides); Irpicaceae Porotheleum nigripes Angelini, Vizzini, Consiglio & M. Marchetti (2022), (= Vizzinia nigripes); Agaricomycetidae Porotheleum omphaliiforme (Kühner) Vizzini, Consiglio & M. Marchetti (2022), (= Marasmiellomycena omphaliiformis); Agaricomycetidae Porotheleum papillatum Peck (1887); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum parvulum Angelini, Vizzini, Consiglio & M. Marchetti (2022); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum perenne W.B. Cooke (1957); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum poriaeforme (Pers.) W.B. Cooke (1957), (= Resupinatus poriaeformis); Pleurotaceae Porotheleum pruinatum (Schwein.) Pat. (1900); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum reticulatum Petch (1922); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum revivescens Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1869), (= Phaeoporotheleum revivescens); Cyphellaceae Porotheleum rugosum Berk. (1856), (= Foraminispora rugosa); Polyporaceae Porotheleum stevensonii Berk. & Broome (1878), (= Dacryobolus sudans); Dacryobolaceae Porotheleum subiculosum Overh. (1957); Porotheleaceae Porotheleum vaillantii (DC.) Quél. (1886), (= Fibroporia vaillantii); Fibroporiaceae
Pages: 1 of 25 records. TofP BofP