Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Pages: 1 of 8 records. TofP BofP

Pythiopsis cymosa de Bary (1888); Saprolegniaceae
Pythiopsis humphreyana Coker (1914); Saprolegniaceae
Pythiopsis intermedia Coker & J.V. Harv. (1925), (= Isoachlya intermedia); Saprolegniaceae
Pythiopsis irregularis R.L. Seym. (2005); Saprolegniaceae
Pythiopsis papillata M. Ôkubo & Kobayasi (1955); Saprolegniaceae
Pythiopsis papilliformis R.L. Seym. (2005); Saprolegniaceae
Pythiopsis subcentrica Chiou & H.S. Chang (1976); Saprolegniaceae
Pythiopsis terrestris Chiou & H.S. Chang (1976); Saprolegniaceae

Pages: 1 of 8 records. TofP BofP