Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 56 records. TofP BofP Thelenella americana (K. Knudsen & Lendemer) Aptroot (2012), (= Trimmatothelopsis americana); Acarosporaceae Thelenella amylospora Vain. (1890), (= Dictyomeridium amylosporum); Trypetheliaceae Thelenella brasiliensis (Müll. Arg.) Vain. (1896); Thelenellaceae Thelenella calcicola C.A. Morse (2016); Thelenellaceae Thelenella chrysoglypha Vain. (1899), (= Astrothelium chrysoglyphum); Trypetheliaceae Thelenella cinerascens (Vain.) R.C. Harris (1995); Thelenellaceae Thelenella cinereonigricans Vain. (1890), (= Clathroporina cinereonigricans); Porinaceae Thelenella corrosa (Körb.) Vain. (1922), (= Protothelenella corrosa); Lichinaceae Thelenella cuyabensis Malme (1928), (= Aspidothelium cuyabense); Thelenellaceae Thelenella duplicascens (Nyl.) Vain. (1901), (= Clathroporina duplicascens); Porinaceae Thelenella elliottii Vain. (1896), (= Clathroporina elliottii); Porinaceae Thelenella eminentior Nyl. (1861), (= Porina eminentior); Pertusariaceae Thelenella epiphylla (Müll. Arg.) Vain. (1890), (= Phyllobathelium epiphyllum); Strigulaceae Thelenella fugiens (Müll. Arg.) R.C. Harris (1995); Thelenellaceae Thelenella fulva Vain. (1901), (= Clathroporina fulva); Porinaceae Thelenella geminipara (Malme) R.C. Harris (1995); Thelenellaceae Thelenella haradae J.P. Halda, Xin Y. Wang, J.A. Ryu & Hur (2016); Thelenellaceae Thelenella harrisii H. Mayrhofer (1987), (= Thelenella sychnogonoides); Thelenellaceae Thelenella indica Pinokiyo & Kr.P. Singh (2006); Thelenellaceae Thelenella inductula (Nyl. ex Hasse) H. Mayrhofer (1987); Thelenellaceae Thelenella interrupta Vain. (1907), (= Clathroporina interrupta); Porinaceae Thelenella irregularis Vain. (1915), (= Clathroporina dominicana); Porinaceae Thelenella kerguelena (Nyl.) H. Mayrhofer (1987); Thelenellaceae Thelenella larbalestieri (A.L. Sm.) Coppins & Fryday (2004); Thelenellaceae Thelenella lateralis Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2014); Thelenellaceae Thelenella leucothelia (Nyl.) Vain. (1921), (= Protothelenella leucothelia); Lichinaceae Thelenella luridella (Nyl.) H. Mayrhofer (1987); Thelenellaceae Thelenella madreporiformis (Eschw.) Vain. (1930), (= Bathelium madreporiforme); Trypetheliaceae Thelenella marginata (Groenh.) H. Mayrhofer (1987); Thelenellaceae Thelenella mawsonii (C.W. Dodge) H. Mayrhofer & P.M. McCarthy (1991); Thelenellaceae Thelenella megapotamica Malme (1928), (= Phyllobathelium megapotamicum); Strigulaceae Thelenella melanospora Etayo & H. Mayrhofer (2003); Thelenellaceae Thelenella modesta (Nyl.) Nyl. (1855); Thelenellaceae Thelenella monospora Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Thelenellaceae Thelenella montana (P.M. McCarthy) Aptroot (2012), (= Trimmatothelopsis montana); Acarosporaceae Thelenella muscorum (Th. Fr.) Vain. (1899); Thelenellaceae Thelenella muscorum var. octospora (Nyl.) Coppins & Fryday (2004), (= Thelenella muscorum); Thelenellaceae Thelenella nitidula Malme (1928), (= Clathroporina nitidula); Porinaceae Thelenella nubifera C.A. Morse (2016); Thelenellaceae Thelenella obtecta Vain. (1890), (= Swinscowia obtecta); Strigulaceae Thelenella ocellata Malme (1928), (= Clathroporina ocellata); Porinaceae Thelenella purpurina (Nyl. ex Leight.) Vain. (1901), (= Marcelaria purpurina); Trypetheliaceae Thelenella reducta (Th. Fr.) Vain. (1921), (= Pyrenopsis reducta); Lichinaceae Thelenella sericea (A. Massal.) Arnold (1870), (= Julella sericea); Thelenellaceae Thelenella sphinctrinoides (Nyl.) Vain. (1921), (= Protothelenella sphinctrinoides); Lichinaceae Thelenella straminea Malme (1928), (= Astrothelium stramineum); Trypetheliaceae Thelenella sychnogonioides (Zahlbr.) R.C. Harris (1995); Thelenellaceae Thelenella tahitiensis Räsänen (1944), (= Porina tahitiensis); Pertusariaceae Thelenella tasmanica H. Mayrhofer & P.M. McCarthy (1991); Thelenellaceae Thelenella terricola Aptroot (1999), (= Aptrootia terricola); Trypetheliaceae Thelenella thaxteri Vain. (1923), (= Phyllobathelium thaxteri); Strigulaceae Thelenella trichothelioides (Sérus. & Vězda) R.C. Harris (1995), (= Aspidothelium trichothelioides); Thelenellaceae Thelenella turgida Vain. (1896), (= Clathroporina turgida); Porinaceae Thelenella verruculosa (R. Sant.) Farkas & Sipman (1997), (= Aspidothelium verruculosum); Thelenellaceae Thelenella vezdae (H. Mayrhofer & Poelt) Coppins & Fryday (2004); Thelenellaceae Thelenella wellingtonii (Stirt.) Stirt. (1874), (= Clathroporina wellingtonii); Porinaceae
Pages: 1 of 56 records. TofP BofP