Fungorum |
Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 28 records. TofP BofP Urophlyctis alfalfae (Lagerh.) Magnus (1902), (= Physoderma alfalfae); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis asphodeli (F. Debray ex Pat.) Maire (1907), (= Physoderma asphodeli); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis astomatis Rayss (1942), (= Physoderma astomatis); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis bohemica Bubák (1902); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis crepidicola Trotter (1907), (= Entyloma crepidicola); Entylomataceae Urophlyctis crustacea Săvul. (1939); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis eryngii Rayss (1942), (= Physoderma rayssiae); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis hemisphaerica (Speg.) Syd. & P. Syd. (1903), (= Physoderma hemisphaericum); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis hymenoxidis Speg. (1912); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis kriegeriana Magnus (1888), (= Physoderma kriegeriana); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis lathyri Palm (1911), (= Physoderma lathyri); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis leproides (Trab.) Magnus (1897), (= Physoderma leproides); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis linariicola Speg. (1912); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis magnusiana Neger (1906), (= Physoderma negeri); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis major J. Schröt. (1886), (= Physoderma majus); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis mouretii Maire (1937), (= Physoderma mouretii); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis notosciadii Speg. (1956), (= Physoderma notosciadii); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis platensis Speg. (1925); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis pluriannulata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Farl. (1908), (= Physoderma pluriannulatum); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis potteri A.W. Bartlett (1926), (= Physoderma potteri); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis pulposa (Wallr.) J. Schröt. (1886), (= Physoderma pulposum); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis pulposa Bubák (1900), (= Entylomaster dietelianus); Doassansiaceae Urophlyctis punctiformis Speg. (1909), (= Physoderma ruebsaamenii); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis ruebsaameni Magnus (1901), (= Physoderma ruebsaamenii); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis stigmariae F.E. Weiss (1904); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis trifolii (Pass.) Magnus (1902), (= Physoderma trifolii); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis urgineae (Pat. & Trab.) Maire (1907), (= Physoderma urgineae); Physodermataceae Urophlyctis vagabunda (Speg.) Speg. (1925), (= Physoderma vagabundum); Physodermataceae
Pages: 1 of 28 records. TofP BofP