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Record Details:

Fuscutata trirubiginopa (X.L. Pan & G.Yun Zhang) Oehl, F.A. Souza & Sieverd., Mycotaxon 106: 347 (2009) [2008]

Nomenclatural comment:
Nom. inval., Art. 41.5 (Melbourne)

Editorial comment:
Full and direct reference to basionym omitted (year ['1997') not given)

Scutellospora trirubiginopa X.L. Pan & G.Yun Zhang, in Pan, Zhang, Wang & Wu 1997

Citations in published lists and Bibliographies:

Position in classification:
Gigasporaceae, Diversisporales, Incertae sedis, Glomeromycetes, Glomeromycota, Fungi

Current name:
Scutellospora trirubiginopa X.L. Pan & G.Yun Zhang, in Pan, Zhang, Wang & Wu 1997

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Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any additions or errors to report. Data contributors.

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