Record Details:
Impudipilus polyphyllus (Peck) J.J. Hu, B. Zhang & Y. Li, in Hu, Tuo, Yue, Zhao, He, Song, Pu, Qi, Qin, Li, Jiang, Zhang, Li & Li, Mycosphere 15(1): 405 (2024) Nomenclatural comment: Nom. inval., Arts 35.1, 41.5 (Shenzhen) Basionym: Marasmius polyphyllus Peck 1898 Citations in published lists or literature: Current name: Gymnopus polyphyllus (Peck) Halling, in Antonín, Halling & Noordeloos 1997 GSD: display synonymy Index Fungorum LSID:
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