Record Details:
Mucilago crustacea Battarra, Fung. arim. hist. (Faventiae): tab. 40, fig. 9 (1755) Nomenclatural comment: Nom. inval., Art. 32.1(c), see Art. 23.6 (Melbourne) Editorial comment: The generic name in this combination is not considered to apply to an organism within the fungal clade Citations in published lists or literature: Position in classification: Didymiidae, Stemonitida, Myxogastria, Myxogastrea, Amoebozoa, Protozoa Current name: Didymium mucilago Prikhodko, Shchepin, Novozh., Schnittler & S.L. Stephenson, in Prikhodko, Shchepin, Bortnikova, Novozhilov, Gmoshinskiy, Moreno, López-Villalba, Stephenson & Schnittler 2023 GSD: ![Click here to get an explanation of GSD’s](../Images/i.gif) display synonymy Index Fungorum LSID:
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