Record Details:
Cladobotryum Nees, Syst. Pilze (Würzburg): 56 (1816) [1816-17] Nomenclatural comment: Nom. rej., but see Arts 14.6, Ex. 5 and 14.7 Editorial comment: Rejected against Hypomyces (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul. 1860 Typification Details: 159799$Cladobotryum varium Nees 1816Citations in published lists or literature: Position in classification: Hypocreaceae, Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi Current name: Hypomyces (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul. 1860 Index Fungorum LSID:
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