Fungorum |
Record Details:
Pezizaceae Dumort., Syst. mycol. (Lundae) 3(1): 72 (1829) Sanctioning citation: Fr., Syst. mycol. 3(1): 72 (1829). Page Image in Sanctioning Work Editorial comment: See Eckblad, Nytt Mag. Bot. 15: 71 (1968), who accepts Pezizeae Fr., Syst. mycol. 2: 38 (1823), as in the rank of family Typification Details: 3859$Peziza Dill. ex Fr. 1822Citations in published lists or literature: Index Fungorum LSID: urn:lsid:indexfungorum.org:names:81134
Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any
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