Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Record Details:

Heterobasidiomycetes R.T. Moore, Bot. Mar. 23(6): 361 (1980)

Editorial comment:
First used by Moore (in: Perez-Miravete & Pelaez (eds), Recent Advances in Microbiology: 50, 1971), without descr.; given a diagnosis by Wells, Mycologia 86: 42, 1994 (no lat. or type). Attributed by Loquin (1984) to Gäumann (1949) but not used as a taxonomic name in that work

Typification Details:
Typification: not indicated

Citations in published lists or literature:

Index Fungorum LSID:

Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any additions or errors to report. Data contributors.

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