Record Details:
Ustilaginomycotina Doweld, Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum, Tentamen Systematis Plantarum Vascularium (Tracheophyta) (Moscow): LXXVIII (2001) Editorial comment: Published as 'nom. nov.', based on Ustomycota R.T. Moore, 1980 (David, Constancea 83.16: 26), nom. inval., Art. 36.1. See also Ustilaginomycotina R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw., Mycological Progress 5(1): 45 (2006), an isonym, see Art. 6.3 Note 2 Citations in published lists and Bibliographies: ; BSM Index Fungorum LSID:
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