Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Sungouiella middelhoveniana (J.R.A. Ribeiro, P.M.B. Carvalho, A.S. Cabral, A. Macrae, Mend.-Hagler, Berbara & Hagler) Q.M. Wang, A. Yurkov, T. Boekhout & F.Y. Bai, in Liu, Hu, Zhao, Zhao, Feng, Yurkov, Alwasel, Boekhout, Bensch, Hui, Bai & Wang, Persoonia 52: 40 (2024)

Candida middelhoveniana J.R.A. Ribeiro, P.M.B. Carvalho, A.S. Cabral, A. Macrae, Mend.-Hagler, Berbara & Hagler, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 100(3): 343 (2011)

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2025)

Click on an entry to see Index Fungorum data. Please contact Paul Kirk if you have any additions or errors to report.

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