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Pages: 1 of 11 records. TofP BofP

Yarrowia alimentaria (Knutsen, V. Robert & M.T. Sm.) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, M.T. Sm. & M. Groenew. (2017); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia bubula Ed. Nagy, Dlauchy & G. Péter (2014); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia deformans (Zach) M. Groenew., T.A. Cout. & M.T. Sm. (2013); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia galli (G. Péter, Dlauchy, Vasdinyei, Tornai-Leh. & T. Deák) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, M.T. Sm. & M. Groenew. (2017); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia hollandica (Knutsen, V. Robert & M.T. Sm.) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, M.T. Sm. & M. Groenew. (2017); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia lipolytica (Wick., Kurtzman & Herman) Van der Walt & Arx (1981); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia lipolytica var. alkalitolerans Zvyag., Andreishch., M.I.M. Soares, Khozin, Berhe & B.L. Perss. (2001), (= Yarrowia lipolytica); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia osloensis (Knutsen, V. Robert & M.T. Sm.) Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, M.T. Sm. & M. Groenew. (2017); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia parophoni Gouliam., R.A. Dimitrov, Guéorg., M.T. Sm. & M. Groenew. (2017); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia porcina Ed. Nagy, Dlauchy, A.O. Medeiros, G. Péter & C.A. Rosa (2014); Dipodascaceae
Yarrowia yakushimensis M. Suzuki, Ohkuma, G. Péter, Dlauchy, Tornai-Leh., Deak, Usami & Tut. Kudo ex M. Groenew. & M.T. Sm. (2013); Dipodascaceae

Pages: 1 of 11 records. TofP BofP