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GSD Species Synonymy

Current Name:
Didymella pomorum (Thüm.) Qian Chen & L. Cai, in Chen, Jiang, Zhang, Cai & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 82: 179 (2015)

Phoma pomorum Thüm., Fungi pomicoli, Monographische Beschreibung der auf den Obstfrüchten der gemässigten Klimate vorkommenden Pilze (Wien): 105 (1879)
Peyronellaea pomorum (Thüm.) Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley, in Aveskamp, Gruyter, Woudenberg, Verkley & Crous, Stud. Mycol. 65: 33 (2010)

Coniothecium chomatosporum sensu auct. NZ; fide NZfungi (2008)

Depazea prunicola Sacc., Mycotheca veneta, Cent. II: no. 193 (1875)
Phoma prunicola (Sacc.) Wollenw. & Hochapfel, Centbl. Bakt. ParasitKde, Abt. II 94: 595 (1936)
Coniothyrium prunicola (Sacc.) Husz [as 'prunicolum'], Bull. R. Hung. Hort. Coll. 5: 23 (1939)
Peyronellaea prunicola (Sacc.) Goid., Annali Sper. agr., N.S. 6: 92-94 (1952)

Phyllosticta pyrina Sacc., Michelia 1(no. 2): 134 (1878)
Coniothyrium pyrinum (Sacc.) J. Sheld., Torreya 7: 143 (1907)
Peyronellaea pyrina (Sacc.) Goid., Annali Sper. agr., N.S. 6: 92-94 (1952)

Phyllosticta prunicola Opiz ex Sacc., Michelia 1(no. 2): 157 (1878)
Sphaceloma prunicola (Opiz ex Sacc.) Jenkins, Archos Inst. biol., S. Paulo 39(4): 233 (1972)

Phyllosticta pyrina var. mali P. Karst. & Har., J. Bot., Paris 4: 357 (1890)

Phyllosticta pruni-spinosae Allesch. [as 'pruni-spinosa'], Verh. Süd-Bayern, Pilze 3: 15 (1892)
Phyllosticta prunicola var. pruni-spinosae (Allesch.) Allesch., Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 1(6): 70 (1898)
Phyllostictella pruni-spinosae (Allesch.) Tassi, Bulletin Labor. Orto Bot. de R. Univ. Siena 5: 21 (1902)

Phoma pruni-japonicae P. Syd., Hedwigia 38(Beibl.): (136) (1899)
Peyronellaea pruni-japonicae (P. Syd.) Goid., Annali Sper. agr., N.S. 6: 92-94 (1952)

Phyllosticta prunicola var. pruni-avium Jaap, Annls mycol. 12(1): 25 (1914)

Position in classification:
Didymellaceae, Pleosporales, Pleosporomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2016)

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