Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Verrucaria psoromoides Borrer, in Hooker & Sowerby, Suppl. Engl. Bot. 1: tab. 2612, fig. 1 (1831)

Homotypic synonyms:
Catapyrenium psoromoides (Borrer) R. Sant., in Hawksworth, James & Coppins, Lichenologist 12(1): 106 (1980)
Dermatocarpon psoromoides (Borrer) Dalla Torre & Sarnth., Fl. Tirol, Vorarlberg, Liechtenstein, IV Band. Die Flechten von Tirol: 505 (1902)
Dermatocarpon psoromoides f. psoromoides (Borrer) Dalla Torre & Sarnth., Fl. Tirol, Vorarlberg, Liechtenstein, IV Band. Die Flechten von Tirol: 505 (1902)
Dermatocarpon psoromoides var. psoromoides (Borrer) Dalla Torre & Sarnth., Fl. Tirol, Vorarlberg, Liechtenstein, IV Band. Die Flechten von Tirol: 505 (1902)
Endocarpon psoromoides (Borrer) Hook., Engl. Fl., Mosses, Hepaticae, Lichens, Characeae and Algae (London) 5(1): 157 (1833)
Endocarpon psoromoides var. psoromoides (Borrer) Hook., Engl. Fl., Mosses, Hepaticae, Lichens, Characeae and Algae (London) 5(1): 157 (1833)
Guignardia psoromoides (Borrer) Keissl., Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 8: 346 (1930)
Laestadia psoromoides (Borrer) Vouaux, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 28: 220 (1912)
Phacopsis psoromoides (Borrer) Hepp, [as 'sporomoides'] Flecht. Europ.: no. 475 (1857)
Physalospora psoromoides (Borrer) G. Winter, Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 1.2: 415 (1885)
Placocarpus psoromoides (Borrer) Trevis., Conspect. Verruc.: 19 (1860)

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