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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Lecidea flavicunda Ach., Lich. Univ.: 166 (1810)

Homotypic synonyms:
Haplocarpon contiguum var. flavicundum (Ach.) M. Choisy, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Soc. Bot. Lyon 19(7): 158 (1950)
Huilia flavicunda (Ach.) Mas. Inoue, J. Jap. Bot. 58(6): 169 (1983)
Lecidea albocaerulescens f. flavicunda (Ach.) Arnold, Flora, Regensburg 54(10): 154 (1871)
Lecidea albocaerulescens var. flavicunda (Ach.) Navás, Brotéria, sér. bot. 11: 15 (1913)
Lecidea contigua f. flavicunda (Ach.) Boistel, Nouv. Fl. Lich. (Paris) 2: 213 (1903)
Lecidea contigua var. flavicunda (Ach.) Nyl., Flora, Regensburg 38: 675 (1855)
Lecidea macrocarpa f. flavicunda (Ach.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lich. Univers. 3: 629 (1925)
Lecidea steriza f. flavicunda (Ach.) Szatala, Folia Cryptog., Szeged 2(no. 5): 342 (1942)
Lichen peltatus * flavicunda (Ach.) Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot., Suppl. (Paris) 3(2): 386 (1813)
Porpidia flavicunda (Ach.) Gowan, Bryologist 92(1): 43 (1989)

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