Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Homotypic Synonyms See Note

Basionym Name:
Lecidea arctica Sommerf., Suppl. Fl. lapp. (Oslo): 156 (1826)

Homotypic synonyms:
Helocarpon arcticum (Sommerf.) M. Choisy, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Soc. Bot. Lyon 19(1): 12 (1950)
Lecidella arctica (Sommerf.) Körb., Syst. lich. germ. (Breslau): 243 (1855)
Lecidella arctica var. arctica (Sommerf.) Körb., Syst. lich. germ. (Breslau): 243 (1855)

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