Basionym Name:Ramalina ceruchis f. cephalota Tuck., Syn. N. Amer. Lich. (Boston) 1: 21 (1882)
Homotypic synonyms:Desmazieria cephalota (Tuck.) Follmann & Huneck, Willdenowia 5: 208 (1969)Niebla cephalota (Tuck.) Rundel & Bowler, Mycotaxon 6(3): 498 (1978)Ramalina ceruchis subsp. cephalota (Tuck.) Herre, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 12(2): 216 (1910)Vermilacinia cephalota (Tuck.) Spjut & Hale, in Spjut, Flechten Follmann, Contributions to Lichenology in Honour of Gerhard Follmann (Cologne): 347 (1995)