Name, Author, Year, (Current name), Parent taxon Pages: 1 of 181 records. TofP BofP Agrocybe acericola (Peck) Singer (1950); Strophariaceae Agrocybe aegerita (V. Brig.) Singer (1951), (= Cyclocybe aegerita); Tubariaceae Agrocybe aegerita var. rugosovenosa Singer (1953), (= Cyclocybe cylindracea); Tubariaceae Agrocybe allocystis Singer (1969); Strophariaceae Agrocybe amara Singer (1942); Strophariaceae Agrocybe amoena (Weinm. ex Fr.) Singer (1936); Strophariaceae Agrocybe angusticeps (Peck) Watling (1981), (= Galeropsis angusticeps); Bolbitiaceae Agrocybe aporata Watling & S.P. Abraham (1986); Strophariaceae Agrocybe arenaria (Peck) Singer (1978), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe arenicola (Berk.) Singer (1936), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe arvalis sensu auct., (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe arvalis (Fr.) Singer (1936); Strophariaceae Agrocybe attenuata (Kühner) P.D. Orton (1960); Strophariaceae Agrocybe autumnalis (Velen.) Kuyper (1985); Strophariaceae Agrocybe avellanea (Murrill) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe badia (Petch) Pegler (1986); Strophariaceae Agrocybe besseyi (Peck) E.F. Malysheva, G. Moreno & M. Villarreal (2019); Strophariaceae Agrocybe bokotensis (Beeli) Watling (1973); Strophariaceae Agrocybe broadwayi (Murrill) Dennis (1953); Strophariaceae Agrocybe broadwayi var. indica Natarajan & Raman (1983), (= Agrocybe broadwayi); Strophariaceae Agrocybe brunneola (Fr.) Bon (1980); Strophariaceae Agrocybe calicutensis K.A. Thomas & Manim. (2003); Strophariaceae Agrocybe carbonicola Migl. & Coccia (1993); Strophariaceae Agrocybe carneobrunnea Watling (1973); Strophariaceae Agrocybe carolae Arras, Brotzu, Contu & Piga (1998); Strophariaceae Agrocybe centunculus (Fr.) Romagn. (1963), (= Simocybe centunculus); Crepidotaceae Agrocybe centunculus f. filopes Romagn. (1963), (= Simocybe filopes); Crepidotaceae Agrocybe centunculus var. luxurians (Romagn.) Romagn. (1950), (= Simocybe centunculus); Crepidotaceae Agrocybe chaxingu N.L. Huang (1972); Strophariaceae Agrocybe chaxingu N.L. Huang (1991); Strophariaceae Agrocybe chrysocystidiata Guzmán & V. Mora (1984); Strophariaceae Agrocybe collybiiformis (Murrill) Singer (1951); Strophariaceae Agrocybe coniferarum Raithelh. (1986); Strophariaceae Agrocybe coniophora Romagn. (1963), (= Simocybe coniophora); Crepidotaceae Agrocybe coprophila Singer (1945); Strophariaceae Agrocybe coprophila (Rick) Singer (1952), (= Agrocybe neocoprophila); Strophariaceae Agrocybe cubensis (Murrill) Singer (1978); Strophariaceae Agrocybe cyanescens Contu (1997); Strophariaceae Agrocybe cylindracea sensu Taylor, (= Cyclocybe parasitica); Tubariaceae Agrocybe cylindracea (DC.) Maire (1938), (= Cyclocybe cylindracea); Tubariaceae Agrocybe deceptiva (T.J. Baroni) E.F. Malysheva & G. Moreno (2019); Strophariaceae Agrocybe dennisii Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe dura sensu NCL (1960), auct. mult., (= Agrocybe molesta); Strophariaceae Agrocybe dura (Bolton) Singer (1936); Strophariaceae Agrocybe dura var. xanthophylla (Bres.) P.D. Orton (1960), (= Agrocybe molesta); Strophariaceae Agrocybe earlei (Murrill) Dennis ex Singer (1978); Strophariaceae Agrocybe eduardii Kiyashko & E.F. Malysheva (2022); Strophariaceae Agrocybe edulis (Peck) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe elatella (P. Karst.) Vesterh. (1989); Strophariaceae Agrocybe elegantior Watling (1973); Strophariaceae Agrocybe elenae E.F. Malysheva & Kiyashko (2022); Strophariaceae Agrocybe erebia (Fr.) Kühner ex Singer (1939), (= Cyclocybe erebia); Tubariaceae Agrocybe farinacea Hongo (1957); Strophariaceae Agrocybe fimicola (Speg.) Singer (1952); Strophariaceae Agrocybe firma (Peck) Singer (1940); Strophariaceae Agrocybe firma var. attenuata Kühner (1953), (= Agrocybe attenuata); Strophariaceae Agrocybe firma var. tucumana Singer (1959), (= Agrocybe tucumana); Strophariaceae Agrocybe flexuosipes (Peck) Beker & U. Eberh. (2022); Strophariaceae Agrocybe gasteromycetoides Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe gibberosa (Fr.) Fayod (1889), (= Agrocybe praecox); Strophariaceae Agrocybe guruvayoorensis K.A. Thomas & Manim. (2003); Strophariaceae Agrocybe haustellaris (Fr.) Romagn. (1963), (= Simocybe haustellaris); Crepidotaceae Agrocybe hesleri Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe holophlebia (Berk. ex Cooke) E. Horak (1979); Strophariaceae Agrocybe hortensis (Burt) Singer (1978); Strophariaceae Agrocybe howeana (Peck) Singer (1951); Strophariaceae Agrocybe humosa (S. Imai) Beker & U. Eberh. (2022); Strophariaceae Agrocybe illicita (Peck) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe imaii Beker & U. Eberh. (2022); Strophariaceae Agrocybe indica Watling & S.P. Abraham (1986); Strophariaceae Agrocybe insignis Singer (1945); Strophariaceae Agrocybe irritans Raithelh. (1984); Strophariaceae Agrocybe karelica Singer (1945); Strophariaceae Agrocybe karnatakensis Sathe & S.M. Kulk. (1981); Strophariaceae Agrocybe laevigata (J. Favre) Romagn. (1963), (= Simocybe centunculus); Crepidotaceae Agrocybe lazoi Singer (1969); Strophariaceae Agrocybe leechii (A.H. Sm.) Watling (1975); Strophariaceae Agrocybe lenticeps (Peck) Singer (1973); Strophariaceae Agrocybe liberata (Kalchbr.) E.F. Malysheva (2019); Strophariaceae Agrocybe limonia Pegler (1965); Strophariaceae Agrocybe ludoviciana (Murrill) Hauskn., Krisai & Voglmayr (2004); Strophariaceae Agrocybe malesiana Watling (1994); Strophariaceae Agrocybe manihotis Pegler (1968); Strophariaceae Agrocybe manihotis var. microspora Natarajan & Raman (1983), (= Agrocybe manihotis); Strophariaceae Agrocybe media Hongo (1972); Strophariaceae Agrocybe metuloidiphora Ballero, Contu & Martis (1991); Strophariaceae Agrocybe microspora Singer (1978); Strophariaceae Agrocybe molesta (Lasch) Singer (1978); Strophariaceae Agrocybe molesta var. xanthophylla (Bres.) Bon & Courtec. (1987), (= Agrocybe molesta); Strophariaceae Agrocybe mullauna Grgur. (1997); Strophariaceae Agrocybe munnarensis K.A. Thomas & Manim. (2003); Strophariaceae Agrocybe musae (Earle) Pegler (1987); Strophariaceae Agrocybe musicola Natarajan & Purush. (1989); Strophariaceae Agrocybe mycenoides (Fr.) Fayod (1889), (= Galerina mycenoides); Hymenogastraceae Agrocybe neocoprophila Singer (1954); Strophariaceae Agrocybe occidentalis Watling & H.E. Bigelow (1983); Strophariaceae Agrocybe ochracea Nauta (2004); Strophariaceae Agrocybe ochraceobrunnea Watling (1973); Strophariaceae Agrocybe olida (Cooke & Massee) Pegler (1965); Strophariaceae Agrocybe olivacea Watling & G.M. Taylor (1987); Strophariaceae Agrocybe ombrophila sensu auct. brit., (= Agrocybe brunneola); Strophariaceae Agrocybe ombrophila (Weinm.) Konrad & Maubl. (1949); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pallida (Murrill) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe paludosa (J.E. Lange) Kühner & Romagn. (1953); Strophariaceae Agrocybe paludosa (J.E. Lange) Kühner & Romagn. ex Bon (1987); Strophariaceae Agrocybe paradoxa Singer (1973); Strophariaceae Agrocybe parasitica G. Stev. (1982), (= Cyclocybe parasitica); Tubariaceae Agrocybe parrumbala Grgur. (1997); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pascuensis (Murrill) Watling (1981); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pediades (Fr.) Fayod (1889); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pediades f. bispora A.N. Petrov (1983), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pediades f. cinctula Nauta (1987), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pediades var. bispora (A.N. Petrov) E.F. Malysheva & Kiyashko (2011), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pediades var. cinctula Nauta (2004), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pediades var. fimicola (Speg.) Nauta (2004), (= Agrocybe fimicola); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pediades var. vervacti (Fr.) Singer (1950), (= Agrocybe vervacti); Strophariaceae Agrocybe peradenica Pegler (1986); Strophariaceae Agrocybe platysperma (Peck) Singer (1973); Strophariaceae Agrocybe praecox sensu Horak, (= Leucocoprinus leucothites); Agaricaceae Agrocybe praecox (Pers.) Fayod (1889); Strophariaceae Agrocybe praecox f. sphaleromorpha (Bull.) Migl. & Coccia (1993), (= Agrocybe praecox); Strophariaceae Agrocybe praecox var. britzelmayrii (Schulzer) Watling (1985), (= Agrocybe praecox); Strophariaceae Agrocybe praecox var. cutefracta (J.E. Lange) Singer (1953), (= Agrocybe praecox); Strophariaceae Agrocybe praecox var. sphaleromorpha (Bull.) Migliozzi & Coccia (1993), (= Agrocybe praecox); Strophariaceae Agrocybe praemagna M.M. Moser & E. Horak (2006); Strophariaceae Agrocybe procera Singer (1969); Strophariaceae Agrocybe procera f. andina Raithelh. (1977), (= Agrocybe procera); Strophariaceae Agrocybe procera var. andinopatagonica Raithelh. (1984), (= Agrocybe procera); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pruinatipes (Peck) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pseudoerebia Har. Takah. (2001); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pudica (Bull.) Fayod (1889), (= Pholiota pudica); Strophariaceae Agrocybe puiggarii (Speg.) Singer (1951); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pumila (Pers.) Fayod (1889), (= Galerina pumila); Hymenogastraceae Agrocybe pusilla (Schaeff.) Watling (1981), (= Agrocybe pusiola); Strophariaceae Agrocybe pusiola (Fr.) R. Heim (1934); Strophariaceae Agrocybe putaminum (Maire) Singer (1936); Strophariaceae Agrocybe recalva (Lasch) Singer (1986); Strophariaceae Agrocybe reducta (Fr.) Romagn. (1963), (= Simocybe reducta); Crepidotaceae Agrocybe retigera (Speg.) Singer (1951); Strophariaceae Agrocybe rivulosa Nauta (2003); Strophariaceae Agrocybe sacchari (Murrill) Dennis (1953); Strophariaceae Agrocybe salicaceicola Zhu L. Yang, M. Zang & X.X. Liu (1993), (= Cyclocybe salicaceicola); Tubariaceae Agrocybe semiorbicularis (Bull.) Fayod (1889), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe setulosa G. Moreno & Barrasa (1984); Strophariaceae Agrocybe smaragdina (Pat. ex Sacc. & Trotter) T. Lebel, K. Hosaka, T.W. May & Padamsee (2022); Strophariaceae Agrocybe smithii Watling & H.E. Bigelow (1983); Strophariaceae Agrocybe sororia (Peck) Singer (1978); Strophariaceae Agrocybe sororia var. amara (Singer) Singer (1978), (= Agrocybe amara); Strophariaceae Agrocybe sororia var. farinacea (Hongo) Singer (1978), (= Agrocybe farinacea); Strophariaceae Agrocybe sphaleromorpha (Bull.) Fayod (1889), (= Agrocybe praecox); Strophariaceae Agrocybe splendida Clémençon (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe splendidoides Migl. & Coccia (1993); Strophariaceae Agrocybe stepposa Svrček (1983); Strophariaceae Agrocybe stercoraria Pegler (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe striatipes R.L. Zhao & J.X. Li (2023); Strophariaceae Agrocybe subamara (Murrill) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe subpediades (Murrill) Watling (1977), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe subsiparioides (Murrill) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe sumptuosa (P.D. Orton) Romagn. (1963), (= Simocybe sumptuosa); Crepidotaceae Agrocybe tabacina (DC.) Konrad & Maubl. (1949); Strophariaceae Agrocybe temulenta Singer (1936), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe temulenta (Fr.) P.D. Orton (1960), (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe tibetensis (Massee) Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae Agrocybe tropicalis (Speg.) Guzmán (1978); Strophariaceae Agrocybe tuberigena (Quél.) Romagn. (1944), (= Agrocybe arvalis); Strophariaceae Agrocybe tuberosa (Henn.) Singer (1936), (= Agrocybe arvalis); Strophariaceae Agrocybe tuberosa var. heterospora Singer (1936), (= Agrocybe arvalis); Strophariaceae Agrocybe tucumana Singer (1973); Strophariaceae Agrocybe tucumana (Singer) Watling (1981); Strophariaceae Agrocybe tunicola Grgur. (1997); Strophariaceae Agrocybe underwoodii (Murrill) Singer (1962); Strophariaceae Agrocybe vermiflua (Peck) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe vervacti sensu auct. brit., (= Agrocybe pediades); Strophariaceae Agrocybe vervacti (Fr.) Singer (1936); Strophariaceae Agrocybe viscosa Singer (1969); Strophariaceae Agrocybe washingtonensis (Murrill) Watling (1977); Strophariaceae Agrocybe wayanadensis K.A. Thomas & Manim. (2003); Strophariaceae Agrocybe wrightii Uhart & Albertó (2009), (= Cyclocybe wrightii); Tubariaceae Agrocybe xanthocystis Bon & Jamoni (1993); Strophariaceae Agrocybe xerophytica Singer (1959); Strophariaceae Agrocybe xuchilensis (Murrill) Singer (1958); Strophariaceae
Pages: 1 of 181 records. TofP BofP