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Pages: 1 of 54 records. TofP BofP

Anthracothecium amphitropum Müll. Arg. (1883); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium asahinae Kashiw. & Kurok. (1981), (= Pyrenula asahinae); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium aurantiacum (Trevis.) Müll. Arg. (1884); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium australiense (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot (1997); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium breutelii Müll. Arg. (1885), (= Pyrenula breutelii); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium canellae-albae (Fée) Müll. Arg. (1880), (= Sulcopyrenula canellae-albae); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium capense (Zahlbr. ex van der Byl) Kr.P. Singh & G.P. Sinha (2010); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium confine (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. (1880), (= Pyrenula confinis); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium corticatum Müll. Arg. (1891), (= Pyrenula corticata); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium cristatellum Nagarkar & Patw. (1981); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium decipiens Müll. Arg. (1885), (= Bogoriella decipiens); Trypetheliaceae
Anthracothecium desquamans Müll. Arg. (1888), (= Wirthiotrema desquamans); Graphidaceae
Anthracothecium doleschallii A. Massal. (1860); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium duplicans (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. (1880), (= Pyrenula duplicans); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium eminentior (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. (1880), (= Porina eminentior); Pertusariaceae
Anthracothecium eminentius (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. (1880), (= Porina eminentior); Pertusariaceae
Anthracothecium erigens (Kashiw.) H. Harada (2004); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium gibberulosum (Vain.) Zahlbr. (1931), (= Pyrenula gibberulosa); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium globiferum (Eschw.) Müll. Arg. (1884), (= Pyrenula globifera); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium gregale (C. Knight) Aptroot (2007), (= Parmentaria gregalis); Verrucariaceae
Anthracothecium hibernicum (Nyl.) A.L. Sm. (1911), (= Pyrenula hibernica); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium himalayense (Räsänen) D.D. Awasthi (1965); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium interlatens (Nyl.) Aptroot (2011); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium japonicum Kashiw. & Kurok. (1981), (= Pyrenula neojaponica); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium laevigatum Müll. Arg. (1891), (= Pyrenula neolaevigata); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium leucostomum (Ach.) Malme (1929), (= Pyrenula leucostoma); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium libricola (Fée) Müll. Arg. (1880), (= Pyrenula leucostoma); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium lugescens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. (1922), (= Astrothelium lugescens); Trypetheliaceae
Anthracothecium macrosporum (Hepp) Müll. Arg. (1880); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium maculare Zahlbr. (1930), (= Pyrenula macularis); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium melasporum (Taylor) Müll. Arg. (1888), (= Henrica melaspora); Verrucariaceae
Anthracothecium monosporum Müll. Arg. (1895), (= Aptrootia elatior); Trypetheliaceae
Anthracothecium ochraceoflavens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. (1921), (= Pyrenula ochraceoflavens); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium oculatum Müll. Arg. (1891); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium oligosporum Müll. Arg. (1888), (= Wirthiotrema desquamans); Graphidaceae
Anthracothecium pachycheilum (Tuck.) Zahlbr. (1922), (= Pyrenula leucostoma); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium parvinucleum (Meyen & Flot.) Zahlbr. (1922), (= Pyrenula parvinuclea); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium platystomum Müll. Arg. (1888), (= Pyrenula platystoma); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium platystomum var. papillatum A. Singh & Upreti (1999), (= Pyrenula platystoma); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium prasinum (Eschw.) R.C. Harris (1987); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium pyrenuloides sensu auct. brit., (= Parmentaria chilensis); Verrucariaceae
Anthracothecium pyrenuloides sensu auct. brit., (= Pyrenula hibernica); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium pyrenuloides (Mont.) Müll. Arg. (1880), (= Pyrenula pyrenuloides); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium sandwicense Zahlbr. (1912), (= Pyrenula neosandwicensis); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium seminudum Müll. Arg. (1891), (= Pyrenula seminuda); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium sinapispermum (Fée) Müll. Arg. (1880); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium staurosporum (Tuck. ex Willey) Zahlbr. (1922), (= Sulcopyrenula staurospora); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium subglobosum Riddle (1920), (= Sulcopyrenula subglobosa); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium subvariolosum C. Knight (1889), (= Pyrenula subvariolosa); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium thwaitesii (Leight.) Müll. Arg. (1880); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium toowoombense (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot (2007), (= Parmentaria toowoombensis); Verrucariaceae
Anthracothecium variolosum (Pers.) Müll. Arg. (1880); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium vermiculare Kashiw. & Kurok. (1981), (= Pyrenula vermicularis); Pyrenulaceae
Anthracothecium welwitschii Upreti & Ajay Singh (1988), (= Pyrenula welwitschii); Pyrenulaceae

Pages: 1 of 54 records. TofP BofP