Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Pages: 1 of 9 records. TofP BofP

Ascocalyx abietina (Lagerb.) Schläpf.-Bernh. (1969), (= Gremmeniella abietina); Godroniaceae
Ascocalyx abietis Naumov (1925); Godroniaceae
Ascocalyx asiaticus J.W. Groves (1968); Godroniaceae
Ascocalyx berenice (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Baschien (2014); Godroniaceae
Ascocalyx juniperinus (K. Holm & L. Holm) E. Müll. & Dorworth (1983); Godroniaceae
Ascocalyx laricina (Ettl.) Schläpf.-Bernh. (1969), (= Gremmeniella laricina); Godroniaceae
Ascocalyx obscurus (Peck) Baschien (2014); Godroniaceae
Ascocalyx pinicola Tak. Kobay. & H. Kondo (1984), (= Gremmeniella pinicola); Godroniaceae
Ascocalyx tenuisporus J.W. Groves (1968); Godroniaceae

Pages: 1 of 9 records. TofP BofP