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Astrothelium aenascens Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium aeneoides Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium aeneum (Eschw.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium alboverrucoides Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium alboverrucum (Makhija & Patw.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium amazonum (R.C. Harris) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium ambiguum (Malme) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium amylosporum Flakus & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium andamanicum (Makhija & Patw.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium annulare (Fée) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium astrolucidum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2017); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium aurantiacocinereum Lücking, Naksuwankul & Lumbsch (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium aurantiacum (Makhija & Patw.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium aurantioseptemseptatum Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium auratum (R.C. Harris) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium aureoirregulare Aptroot & Gumboski (2021); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium aureomaculatum (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium basilicum (Kremp.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium bicolor (Taylor) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium bireagens Lücking, N. Marín & Álvaro (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium bivelum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium buckii (R.C. Harris) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium bulbosum Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium bullatothallinum Aptroot & Sipman (2019); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium bullatum Flakus & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium calosporum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium campylocartilagineum Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium carassense Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & Marcelli (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium carrascoense Flakus, Kukwa & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium cartilagineum (Fée) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium caucavallense Soto-Medina & Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium cayennense Aptroot & Sipman (2019); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium cecidiogenum (Aptroot & Lücking) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium ceratinum (Fée) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium chapadense (Malme) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium chrysoglyphum (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium chrysostomum (Kremp.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium chulumanense Flakus, Kukwa & Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium cinereorosellum (Kremp.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium cinereum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium citrisporum Aptroot, Oliveira-Junior & M. Cáceres (2021); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium clypeatum Aptroot & Gueidan (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium coccineum Córd.-Cháv., Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2014); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium colombiense Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium coloratum Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium condoricum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium confluens (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium conicum Eschw. (1824); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium conjugatum Weerakoon & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium consimile (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium corallinum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium corticatum (Makhija & Patw.) Kr.P. Singh & G.P. Sinha (2010); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium crassum (Fée) Aptroot (2008); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium cryptolucens Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & N. Salazar (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium cryptothelium (Müll. Arg.) Nyl. (1892), (= Pyrenula cryptothelia); Pyrenulaceae
Astrothelium curvatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium curvisporum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium decemseptatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium deforme (Fée) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium defossum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium degenerans (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium diaphanocorticatum Aptroot & Sipman (2019); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium dicoloratum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium dimidioinspersum M. Cáceres & Aptroot (2017); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium diplocarpum Nyl. (1863), (= Heufleria diplocarpa); Rhytismataceae
Astrothelium disjunctum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium dissimilum (Makhija & Patw.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium duplicatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium ecuadorense Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium effusum (Aptroot & Sipman) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium elixii Flakus & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium endochryseum (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium epiphyllum R. Sant. (1952), (= Trypetheliopsis epiphylla); Monoblastiaceae
Astrothelium erubescens (Kunze ex Fée) Aptroot & Lücking (2021), (= Astrothelium porosum); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium eumultiseptatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium eustominspersum Aptroot & Oliveira-Junior (2021); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium eustomurale Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium exostemmatis (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium fallax Müll. Arg. (1885); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium feei (C.F.W. Meissn.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium fernandae Aptroot (2020); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium ferrugineum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium fijiense Lücking, Naksuwankul & Lumbsch (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavocoronatum Luangsuph., Aptroot & Sangvichien (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavoduplex Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavogigasporum Aptroot (2021); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavomaculatum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavomegaspermum Aptroot & Etayo (2017); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavomeristosporum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavomurisporum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavostiolatum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavostromatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium flavum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium fugax Müll. Arg. (1895), (= Lithothelium fugax); Pyrenulaceae
Astrothelium fuscosporum Soto-Medina, Aptroot & Lücking (2017); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium galbineum Kremp. (1875); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium galligenum (Aptroot) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium gigantosporum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium globosum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium graphicum Aptroot & S.M. Martins (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium grossoides Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium guianense Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium gyalostiolatum Aptroot (2022); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium himalayense (Upreti & Aptroot) Aptroot & Schumm (2021); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium hypoxylon var. macrocarpum (Fée) Nyl. (1858), (= Astrothelium macrocarpum); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium indicum (Upreti & Ajay Singh) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium infossum (Nyl.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium infravulcanum Aptroot (2022); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium infuscatulum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium inspersaeneum E.L. Lima, Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2013); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium inspersoconicum Aptroot & Weerakoon (2018); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium inspersogalbineum Aptroot & Weerakoon (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium inspersonitidulum Aptroot & B.M.C. Barbosa (2022); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium inspersonovemseptatum Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium inspersotuberculosum Flakus & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium insulare Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium interlatens Nyl. (1868), (= Anthracothecium interlatens); Pyrenulaceae
Astrothelium intermedium Aptroot & Lücking (2008); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium introflavidum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2017); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium irregulare (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium isidiatum Kukwa, Flakus & Rodr. Flakus (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium isohypocrellinum Aptroot & Weerakoon (2018); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium jiangxiense S.H. Jiang & C. Zhang (2022); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium keralense (Upreti & Ajay Singh) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium komposchii Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium kunzei (Fée) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium laevithallinum Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & Marcelli (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium laureroides Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium laurerosphaerioides Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium leioplacum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium leucosessile Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium lineatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium longisporum Aptroot, J.R. Silva & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium lucidomedullatum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium lucidostromum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium lucidothallinum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium lugescens (Nyl.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium luminothallinum S.H. Jiang & C. Zhang (2022); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium luridum (Zahlbr.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium macrocarpum (Fée) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium macroeustomum Aptroot & Sipman (2019); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium macrosporum (Makhija & Patw.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium macrostiolatum Luangsuph., Aptroot & Sangvichien (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium macrostomoides Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & Benatti (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium macrostomum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium marcidum (Fée) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium marjoleinae Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium meandratum Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium mediocrassum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium medioincrassatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2021); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megacrypticum Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & N. Salazar (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megaeneum Flakus & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megaleium (Kremp.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megalophthalmum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megalostomum (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megaspermum (Mont.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megatropicum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megeustomum Aptroot & C.A.V. Fraga (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megeustomurale M. Cáceres & Aptroot (2017); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium meghalayense (Makhija & Patw.) Pushpi Singh & Kr.P. Singh (2015); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium megochroleucum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium meiophorum (Nyl.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium meristosporoides (P.M. McCarthy & Vongshew.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium meristosporum (Mont. & Bosch) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium mesoduplex Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium miniannulare Kalb & Aptroot (2018); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium minicecidiogenum Aptroot & Sipman (2019); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium minus var. nigratum Müll. Arg. (1885), (= Astrothelium nigratum); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium mordonialense Simijaca, Lücking & Moncada (2021); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium multireflexum Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium muriconicum Aptroot & M.F. Souza (2021); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium myopicum Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium neglectum Luangsuph., Aptroot & Sangvichien (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium neodiplocarpum Flakus, Kukwa & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium neogalbineum (R.C. Harris) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium neoinspersum Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium neovariolosum Luangsuph., Aptroot & Sangvichien (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium nicaraguense Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & T. Orozco (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium nigratum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium nigrocacuminum Flakus, Kukwa & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium nigrorufum (Makhija & Patw.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium nigrum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium nitidiusculum (Nyl.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium nitidulum Weerakoon & Aptroot (2014); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium norisianum Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium novemseptatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium obtectum Lücking, M.P. Nelsen & Benatti (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium ochraceum Aptroot (2020); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium ochroleucoides Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium ochrothelizum Müll. Arg. (1885), (= Astrothelium macrocarpum); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium octoseptatum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium octosporoides Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium octosporum (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium oligocarpum (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium olivaceofuscum (Zenker) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium palaeoexostemmatis Sipman & Aptroot (2019); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium pallidoflavum Flakus & Aptroot (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium papillosum (P.M. McCarthy) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium papulosum (Nyl.) Aptroot & Lücking (2016); Trypetheliaceae
Astrothelium parabathelium Aptroot (2023); Trypetheliaceae

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