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Botryosphaeria abietina (Prill. & Delacr.) Maubl. (1907); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria abrupta Berk. & M.A. Curtis ex Cooke (1885); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria acaciae (Hansf.) Dingley (1970); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria advena Ces. & De Not. (1863), (= Botryosphaeria quercuum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria aesculi (Peck) M.E. Barr (1972), (= Phyllosticta paviae); Phyllostictaceae
Botryosphaeria agaves (Henn.) E.J. Butler (1911); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria alibagensis C. Ramesh (1991); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ambigua (Berk.) Sacc. (1882), (= Peyronellaea obtusa); Didymellaceae
Botryosphaeria anceps Höhn. (1909), (= Bagnisiella anceps); Dothideaceae
Botryosphaeria anthuriicola Massee (1899), (= Phyllachora phylloplaca); Phyllachoraceae
Botryosphaeria apocyni (Ellis & Everh.) M.E. Barr (1972), (= Guignardia apocyni); Phyllostictaceae
Botryosphaeria appendiculata Z.Q. Yuan & Old (1996); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria araliae M.A. Curtis (1885), (= Melanops araliae); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria archontophoenicis Joanne E. Taylor, K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones (2003); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria arctostaphyli (Plowr.) Sacc. (1882), (= Bagnisiella arctostaphyli); Dothideaceae
Botryosphaeria arundinariae Earle (1898), (= Melanops arundinariae); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria arxii Narendra & V.G. Rao (1975); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria astrocaryi (Henn.) Bat. & R. Garnier (1966); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria atrorufa (Pass.) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria auasmontanum F.J.J. Van der Walt, Slippers & G.J. Marais (2014); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria australis Slippers, Crous & M.J. Wingf. (2004), (= Neofusicoccum australe); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria bakeri Rehm (1913); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria banksiae Hansf. (1954), (= Coccodiella banksiae); Phyllachoraceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana De Not. (1865); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana f. rhamni-frangulae Sacc. (1883), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana f. sparsa Speg. (1912), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana subsp. acutior Sacc. (1879), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana subsp. gregaria Sacc. (1879), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana subsp. melanommoides Sacc. (1879), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana subsp. pachyspora Sacc. (1885), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana var. acerina Rehm (1909), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana var. acutior Sacc. (1878), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana var. magnoliae L.A. Kantsch. (1928), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana var. melanommoides Sacc. (1878), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria berengeriana var. weigelae Rehm (1914), (= Melanops weigelae); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria bidwellii (Ellis) Petr. (1958), (= Phyllosticta ampelicida); Phyllostictaceae
Botryosphaeria bondarzewii L.A. Kantsch. (1928); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria briosiana (Turconi & Maffei) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria brunneispora Joanne E. Taylor, K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones (2003); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria buteae Tilak & S.B. Kale (1969); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria calycanthi (Schwein.) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops calycanthi); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria camarae A.C. Santos (1967); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria cantareirensis (Henn.) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria carpini (Sacc.) Mussat (1901), (= Botryosphaeria quercuum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria cassiicola V.G. Rao & Varghese (1980); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria castaneae (Schwein.) Sacc. (1882), (= Dendrostoma castaneum); Diaporthales
Botryosphaeria cerasi (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops ceras); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria cocoes (Petch) Wulandari (2014); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria cocogena Subileau, Renard & Lacoste (1994); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria cocoicola (Sivan.) K.D. Hyde & P.F. Cannon (1999); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria corticis (Demaree & Wilcox) Arx & E. Müll. (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria corticola A.J.L. Phillips, A. Alves & J. Luque (2004); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria corynocarpi (Dias & Sousa da Câmara) J. Reid & C. Booth (1989); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria costae Viégas (1944); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria cunninghamiae T.Z. Huang (1977); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria cyanea (Sollm.) Weese (1919), (= Gibberella cyanea); Nectriaceae
Botryosphaeria cyanogena (Desm.) Niessl (1872), (= Fusarium sambucinum); Nectriaceae
Botryosphaeria cyanospora (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria dasylirii (Peck) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Botryosphaeria quercuum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria decipiens (DC.) Cooke (1885), (= Anthostoma decipiens); Diatrypaceae
Botryosphaeria delilei (Durieu & Mont.) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops delilei); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria diapensiae (Rehm) M.E. Barr (1970), (= Discosphaerina diapensiae); Hyponectriaceae
Botryosphaeria dimerosporioides (Speg. ex Sacc.) Weese (1919), (= Toroa dimerosporioides); Toroaceae
Botryosphaeria diplodioides (Durieu & Mont.) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops diplodioidea); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria disrupta (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Arx & E. Müll. (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria dolichospermatii Z.P. Dou, W. He & Y. Zhang (2021); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.) Ces. & De Not. (1863); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria dothidea var. pluriguttata Brunaud (1893), (= Botryosphaeria dothidea); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria effusa (Rehm) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria egenula Syd., P. Syd. & E.J. Butler (1911); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria elaeidis Sivan. (1975); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria empetri (Rostr.) Arx & E. Müll. (1954), (= Physalospora empetri); Hyponectriaceae
Botryosphaeria epichloe Kunze ex Sacc. (1895), (= Balansia epichloe); Clavicipitaceae
Botryosphaeria erythrinae Petch (1925); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria eschweilerae Bat. & H. Maia (1964); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria eucalypticola Slippers, Crous & M.J. Wingf. (2004), (= Neofusicoccum eucalypticola); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria eucalyptorum Crous, Hendr. Sm. & M.J. Wingf. (2001), (= Neofusicoccum eucalyptorum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria euomphala (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1882), (= Tympanopsis confertula); Scortechiniaceae
Botryosphaeria fabicerciana (S.F. Chen, Pavlic, M.J. Wingf. & X.D. Zhou) A.J.L. Phillips & A. Alves (2013); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria faginea De Not. & Ces. ex Sacc. (1928), (= Lasiosphaeria faginea); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ferruginea (Fuckel) Sacc. (1882), (= Azbukinia ferruginea); Sordariomycetes
Botryosphaeria festucae (Lib.) Arx & E. Müll. (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ficina (Cooke & Harkn.) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ficus (Cooke) Sacc. (1883), (= Melanops ficus); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria flacca (Wallr.) Weese (1919), (= Gibberella flacca); Nectriaceae
Botryosphaeria foliicola Sivan. & L.N. Nair (1988); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria foliorum (Sacc.) Arx & E. Müll. (1954), (= Phyllosticta foliorum); Phyllostictaceae
Botryosphaeria fujianensis Z.P. Dou, W. He & Y. Zhang (2021); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria fuliginosa (Pers.) Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Godronia fuliginosa); Godroniaceae
Botryosphaeria funtumiae Marchal & Steyaert (1929); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria furcraeae (Henn.) Theiss. (1917); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria fusispora Boonmee, Jian K. Liu & K.D. Hyde (2012); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria gaubae Petr. (1968); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria gleditsiae (Schwein.) Sacc. (1882); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria gregaria sensu Johnson (1904), (= Colletotrichum gloeosporioides); Glomerellaceae
Botryosphaeria guttulata Ya Ya Chen, A.J. Dissanayake & J.K. Liu (2020); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria halimodendri Kravtzev (1961); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria hamamelidis Rehm (1913), (= Neofusicoccum hamamelidis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria hemidesmi Tilak & Gaikwad (1974); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria heterochroma (Wollenw.) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria hibisci (Schwein.) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops hibisci); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria hoffmannii Höhn. (1904), (= Botryosphaeria quercuum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria horizontalis (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops horizontalis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria hyperborea M.E. Barr (1970); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria hypericorum Cooke (1885), (= Melanops hypericorum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria hysterioides Ellis & Everh. (1902), (= Melanops hysteroides); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria iberica A.J.L. Phillips, J. Luque & A. Alves (2005); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria imperspicua Pass. (1887), (= Melanops imperspicua); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria indica Tilak & Gaikwad (1974); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria inflata Cooke & Massee (1888), (= Melanops inflata); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ingae A.K. Kar & Maity (1970); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria istriaca (Bubák) Petr. (1963), (= Guignardia istriaca); Phyllostictaceae
Botryosphaeria jasmini Chenant. (1910); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria juglandis Sacc. (1882), (= Amerodothis juglandis); Didymellaceae
Botryosphaeria juniperi (Desm.) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria kumaonensis A.J. Roy (1968); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria kuwatsukai (Hara) G.Y. Sun & E. Tanaka (2014); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria lagerheimii (Rehm) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria lanaris (Welw. & Curr.) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops lanaris); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria laricina (Sawada) Y.Z. Shang (1987), (= Neofusicoccum laricinum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria laricis (Wehm.) Arx & E. Müll. (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria liriodendri (Cooke) Sacc. (1882), (= Fusicoccum liriodendri); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria lutea A.J.L. Phillips (2002), (= Neofusicoccum luteum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria macrolopha Syd. (1924), (= Gibberella macrolopha); Nectriaceae
Botryosphaeria majuscula Sacc. (1902), (= Melanops majuscula); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria mali V.A. Putterill (1919), (= Neofusicoccum ribis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria malvacearum (Trab.) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria mamane D.E. Gardner (1997), (= Cophinforma mamane); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria mapaniae (Schwein.) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria marconii Charles & Jenkins (1914); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria mascarensis (Mont.) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops mascarensis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria melanops (Tul.) G. Winter (1886), (= Botryosphaeria quercuum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria melathroa Berk. & M.A. Curtis ex Cooke (1885), (= Melanops melathroa); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria meliae (Schwein.) Sacc. (1882), (= Botryodiplodia meliae); Diaporthales
Botryosphaeria melioloides Rehm (1907), (= Melanops melioloides); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria miconiae (Duby) Höhn. (1909), (= Coccodiella miconiae); Phyllachoraceae
Botryosphaeria microspora Petch (1925); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria minor Ellis & Everh. (1888), (= Melanops minor); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria minuscula Sacc. (1916), (= Melanops minuscula); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria minutispermatia Ariyaw., K.D. Hyde & Zou Y. Liu (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria molluginis Höhn. (1906), (= Amerodothis molluginis); Didymellaceae
Botryosphaeria morbosa (Schwein.) Sorauer (1921), (= Apiosporina morbosa); Venturiaceae
Botryosphaeria moricola Ces. & De Not. (1865), (= Fusarium lateritium); Nectriaceae
Botryosphaeria muriculata Ellis & Everh. (1902), (= Melanops muriculata); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria nephrodii Höhn. (1912); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria nerii Jadhav, Somani & Wangikar (1978); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria oblongula Sacc. (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schwein.) Shoemaker (1964), (= Peyronellaea obtusa); Didymellaceae
Botryosphaeria osmanthi J.E. Sun, C.R. Meng & Yong Wang bis (2022); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pachyspora (Sacc.) Mussat (1901), (= Botryosphaeria berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria palmigena (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) E. Bommer & M. Rousseau (1896), (= Coccostromopsis diplothemii); Phyllachoraceae
Botryosphaeria parasitica (Rick) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria parkinsoniae Tilak & Gaikwad (1974); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria parva Pennycook & Samuels (1985), (= Neofusicoccum parvum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pasaniae Hara (1931); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pedrosensis (Bubák & Gonz. Frag.) Petr. (1963); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria philoprina (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Arx & E. Müll. (1954), (= Phyllosticta philoprina); Phyllostictaceae
Botryosphaeria phormii Speg. (1909), (= Melanops phormii); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria phyllachoroidea Penz. & Sacc. (1898), (= Melanops phyllachoroidea); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria piceae A. Funk (1965); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pinicola Speg. (1898), (= Melanops pinicola); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pipturi D.E. Gardner & Hodges (1988); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pittospori (J.V. Almeida & Sousa da Câmara) Dennis (1977); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria plicatula (Berk. & Broome) S. Ahmad (1979); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria populi A.J.L. Phillips (2000); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria praestans (Lév.) Sacc. (1882), (= Bagnisiopsis praestans); Phyllachoraceae
Botryosphaeria propullulans (Schwein.) Cooke (1885), (= Aplosporella propullulans); Aplosporellaceae
Botryosphaeria prosopidis Mundk. & S. Ahmad (1946); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria proteae (Wakef.) Denman & Crous (1999), (= Saccharata proteae); Saccharataceae
Botryosphaeria protearum Denman & Crous (2003), (= Neofusicoccum protearum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pruni McAlpine (1902), (= Melanops pruni); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria prunicola Rehm (1912); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pruni-spinosae Delacr. (1892), (= Melanops pruni-spinosae); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pseudoramosa G.Q. Li & S.F. Chen (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pseudotsugae A. Funk (1975); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria puerensis G.Q. Li & S.F. Chen (2020); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pulicaris (Fr.) Ces. & De Not. (1863), (= Fusarium sambucinum); Nectriaceae
Botryosphaeria purandharensis C. Ramesh (1991); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pustulata Sacc. (1875), (= Melanops pustulata); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria pyriospora (Ellis) Sacc. (1882), (= Melanops pyriospora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria qingyuanensis G.Q. Li & S.F. Chen (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria qinlingensis C.M. Tian & L.Y. Liang (2019); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria quercicola A.J.L. Phillips (2005); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria quercus Wijayaw., A.J.L. Phillips, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria quercuum sensu Dingley, (= Peyronellaea obtusa); Didymellaceae
Botryosphaeria quercuum sensu Dingley, (= Botryosphaeria stevensii); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria quercuum (Schwein.) Sacc. (1882); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria quercuum var. carpini Sacc. (1885), (= Botryosphaeria quercuum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ramosa (Pavlic, T.I. Burgess & M.J. Wingf.) A.J.L. Phillips & A. Alves (2013); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria reticulata (DC.) Petr. (1963), (= Guignardia reticulata); Phyllostictaceae
Botryosphaeria rhizogena (Berk.) Sacc. (1882), (= Nectriella rhizogena); Bionectriaceae
Botryosphaeria rhodina (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Arx (1970), (= Lasiodiplodia theobromae); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria rhododendri A.C. Santos & Sousa da Câmara (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria rhododendricola (Rehm) Weese (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria rhodorae (Cooke) M.E. Barr (1970), (= Phyllosticta philoprina); Phyllostictaceae
Botryosphaeria ribis Grossenb. & Duggar (1911), (= Neofusicoccum ribis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ribis f. achromogena Grossenb. & Duggar (1911), (= Neofusicoccum ribis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ribis f. chromogena Grossenb. & Duggar (1911), (= Neofusicoccum ribis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria ribis var. chromogena Shear, N.E. Stevens & Wilcox (1924), (= Neofusicoccum ribis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Botryosphaeria rosaceae Y.P. Zhou & Ying Zhang (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae

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