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Pages: 1 of 81 records. TofP BofP

Ceratostomella acoma V.V. Mill. & Tcherntz. (1934), (= Ceratocystis acoma); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella adiposa (E.J. Butler) Sartoris (1927), (= Catunica adiposa); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella ampullasca (Cooke) Sacc. (1882), (= Natantiella ligneola); Sordariomycetes
Ceratostomella bacillata (Cooke) Cooke (1889), (= Daruvedia bacillata); Pyrenulaceae
Ceratostomella bambusina Höhn. (1909); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella barbirostris (Dufour) Sacc. (1882), (= Barbatosphaeria barbirostris); Barbatosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella buxi Borissov (1934), (= Ceratocystis buxi); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella cana Münch (1907), (= Ophiostoma canum); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella capillifera Hedgc. (1907), (= Ceratocystis pilifera); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella castaneae Vanine & Solovjev (1932), (= Ceratocystis castaneae); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella catoniana Goid. (1935); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella cirrhosa (Pers.) Sacc. (1882), (= Lentomitella cirrhosa); Lentomitellaceae
Ceratostomella cirrhosa subsp. leiocarpa Sacc. (1878), (= Lentomitella cirrhosa); Lentomitellaceae
Ceratostomella coerulea Münch (1907), (= Ceratocystis pilifera); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella comata V.V. Mill. & Tcherntz. (1934), (= Ceratocystis comata); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella conica (Ellis & Everh.) M.E. Barr (1993); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella coprogena Massee (1913); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella crinigera (Cooke) Cooke (1889), (= Lentomitella crinigera); Lentomitellaceae
Ceratostomella cuspidata (Fr.) Réblová (2006); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella cyclospora Kirschst. (1906), (= Calosphaeria cyclospora); Calosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella dubia (Sacc.) Sacc. (1882); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella echinella Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Jattaea echinella); Calosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella excelsior Mouton (1897), (= Endoxyla excelsior); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella exigua Hedgc. (1907), (= Ophiostoma exiguum); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella fagi Loos (1932), (= Ceratocystis piceae); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella fimbriata (Ellis & Halst.) J.A. Elliott (1923), (= Ceratocystis fimbriata); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella fuscolutea Rehm (1908); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella hyalocoronata Inderb. (2000); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella hyalostoma (Munk) Unter. (1993); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella imperfecta V.V. Mill. & Tcherntz. (1934), (= Ceratocystis imperfecta); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella investita (Schwein.) Starbäck (1899), (= Lentomitella investita); Lentomitellaceae
Ceratostomella ips Rumbold (1931), (= Ceratocystis ips); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella lampadophora (Berk. & Broome) Cooke (1889), (= Ceratosphaeria lampadophora); Ceratosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella leiocarpa (Sacc.) Sacc. (1882), (= Lentomitella cirrhosa); Lentomitellaceae
Ceratostomella leptographioides R.W. Davidson (1942), (= Ceratocystis leptographioides); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella leptorhyncha (Durieu & Mont.) Sacc. (1882), (= Phaeoacremonium leptorhynchum); Togniniaceae
Ceratostomella ligneola (Berk. & Broome) Cooke (1889), (= Natantiella ligneola); Sordariomycetes
Ceratostomella lignorum Wollenw. (1928), (= Ophiostoma lignorum); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella longispora (Sacc.) Cooke (1889), (= Paragaeumannomyces longisporus); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella maderensis Petr. (1929); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella major T.H. Beyma (1935), (= Catunica adiposa); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella merolinensis Georgev. (1930), (= Ceratocystis merolinensis); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella microcarpa P. Karst. (1884), (= Ceratocystis microcarpa); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella microspora Ellis & Everh. (1894), (= Togniniella microspora); Calosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella microspora R.W. Davidson (1942), (= Heinzbutinia microspora); Ophiostomatales
Ceratostomella minor Hedgc. (1907), (= Ceratocystis minor); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella minuta (Siemaszko) R.W. Davidson (1942), (= Ceratocystiopsis minuta); Ophiostomataceae
Ceratostomella moniliformis Hedgc. (1907), (= Huntiella moniliformis); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella moniliformis var. carpini Kirschst. (1939), (= Huntiella moniliformis); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella montium Rumbold (1941), (= Ceratocystis montium); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella multiannulata Hedgc. & R.W. Davidson (1935), (= Ophiostoma multiannulatum); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella mycophila Rick (1906); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella obscura R.W. Davidson (1935), (= Leptographium obscurum); Ophiostomataceae
Ceratostomella paradoxa Dade (1928), (= Ceratocystis paradoxa); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella penicillata Grosmann (1932), (= Ceratocystis penicillata); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella piceae Münch (1907), (= Ceratocystis piceae); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella piceaperda Rumbold (1936), (= Leptographium piceaperdum); Ophiostomataceae
Ceratostomella pilifera (Fr.) G. Winter (1885), (= Ceratocystis pilifera); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella pilifera f. capillata (Fr.) G. Winter (1885), (= Ceratocystis pilifera); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella pini Münch (1907), (= Ceratocystis minor); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella pluriannulata Hedgc. (1907), (= Ceratocystis pluriannulata); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella polyrrhyncha Penz. & Sacc. (1897), (= Pseudorhynchia polyrrhyncha); Trichosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella pseudotsugae Rumbold (1936), (= Ceratocystis pseudotsugae); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella pyrenaica Réblová & J. Fourn. (2006); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella quercus Georgev. (1927), (= Ceratocystis piceae); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella radicicola Bliss (1941), (= Thielaviopsis radicicola); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella rhenana (Auersw.) Sacc. (1882), (= Ceratosphaeria rhenana); Ceratosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella rhynchophora (De Not.) Réblová (2006); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella rostrata (Tode) Sacc. (1882); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella rostrocylindrica R.W. Davidson (1942), (= Leptographium rostrocylindricum); Ophiostomataceae
Ceratostomella schrenkiana Hedgc. (1907), (= Ceratocystis schrenkiana); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella similis Kirschst. (1911), (= Natantiella ligneola); Sordariomycetes
Ceratostomella sphaerosperma (Fuckel) Sacc. (1882), (= Linostomella sphaerosperma); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella stenoceras Robak (1932), (= Sporothrix stenoceras); Ophiostomataceae
Ceratostomella stevensonii (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1882), (= Chaetosphaeria myriocarpa); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella stylophora (Berk. & Broome) Cooke (1889), (= Lentomita stylophora); Chaetosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella subdenudata (Peck) M.E. Barr (1986), (= Wegelina subdenudata); Calosphaeriaceae
Ceratostomella triseptata Petr. (1925); Boliniaceae
Ceratostomella ulmi Buisman (1932), (= Ophiostoma ulmi); Ceratocystidaceae
Ceratostomella vestita Sacc. (1878), (= Lentomitella cirrhosa); Lentomitellaceae
Ceratostomella vestita var. varvicensis Grove (1885), (= Lentomitella cirrhosa); Lentomitellaceae

Pages: 1 of 81 records. TofP BofP