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Pages: 1 of 95 records. TofP BofP

Chiodecton acarosporoides C.W. Dodge (1970); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton africanum Fée (1837), (= Dirina monothalamia); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton albidum (Taylor) Leight. (1851), (= Syncesia myrticola); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton andamanicum Jagad. Ram (2014); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton anguinellum (Nyl.) Vain. (1909), (= Nyungwea anguinella); Opegraphaceae
Chiodecton antillarum Vain. (1915), (= Diorygma antillarum); Graphidaceae
Chiodecton applanatum G. Thor (2007); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton aurantiacoflavum B. de Lesd. (1934), (= Herpothallon aurantiacoflavum); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton bambusae Vain. (1921), (= Mazosia bambusae); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton boschianum Mont. (1856), (= Dichosporidium boschianum); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton californicum Tuck. (1888), (= Llimonaea californica); Opegraphaceae
Chiodecton candidum Müll. Arg. (1885), (= Dirina candida); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton capense (A. Massal.) Zahlbr. (1923), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton colensoi (A. Massal.) Müll. Arg. (1894); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton complexum Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2014); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton compunctulum (Nyl.) Müll. Arg. (1895), (= Enterographa compunctula); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton congestulum Nyl. (1868); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton crassum (DC.) Zahlbr. (1905), (= Enterographa crassa); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton dendriticum (Hoffm.) Zahlbr. (1905), (= Reichlingia dendritica); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton divergens Müll. Arg. (1893), (= Enterographa divergens); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton effusum Fée (1825); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton endoleucum Müll. Arg. (1893), (= Chiodecton effusum); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton epiphyllum Sérus. (1997), (= Enterographa epiphylla); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton extenuatum (Nyl.) Zahlbr. (1923), (= Sclerophyton extenuatum); Opegraphaceae
Chiodecton farinaceum Fée (1829), (= Syncesia farinacea); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton flavovirens G. Thor (1990); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton granulatum (Mont.) Müll. Arg. (1887), (= Erythrodecton granulatum); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton graphidastroides Kalb & Aptroot (2018); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton graphidioides Leight. (1854), (= Schismatomma graphidioides); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton graphidioides Leight. ex Lettau (1912), (= Schismatomma graphidioides); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton grossum Müll. Arg. (1893), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton hamatum Nyl. (1861), (= Dichosporidium boschianum); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton heterogenum (C. Knight) Zahlbr. (1923); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton hutchinsiae (Leight.) Zahlbr. (1905), (= Enterographa hutchinsiae); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton hypoleucum C. Knight (1886), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton japonicum Zahlbr. (1931), (= Herpothallon japonicum); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton klementii Follmann (1968), (= Fulvophyton klementii); Roccellographaceae
Chiodecton kurzii Kremp. (1873), (= Pulvinodecton kurzii); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton lacteum sensu Montagne (in Sagra, Hist. phys. Cuba, Bot. Pl. Cell. 9: 107. 1845), (= Arthonia montagnei); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton leprarioides Kalb & Aptroot (2021); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton leprobolum Nyl. (1886), (= Syncesia leprobola); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton leptosporum Müll. Arg. (1882); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton leptostictum (Nyl.) Zahlbr. (1923), (= Mazosia leptosticta); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton leptothallum Malme (1937), (= Roccellina leptothalla); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton lichexanthonicum M. Cáceres & Aptroot (2017); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton macquariense C.W. Dodge (1970); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton maculatum (C. Knight) Zahlbr. (1923); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton malacum Kremp. (1875), (= Erythrodecton malacum); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton micrographum (Nyl.) Zahlbr. (1923), (= Enterographa micrographa); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton montagnei Tuck. (1872), (= Arthonia montagnei); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton montanum G. Thor (1990); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton mycelioides Vain. (1921), (= Crypthonia mycelioides); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton myrticola Fée (1825), (= Syncesia myrticola); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton myrticola var. albidum (Taylor) Nyl. (1855), (= Syncesia myrticola); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton myrticola var. petraeum (Delise ex Nyl.) Boistel (1903), (= Syncesia myrticola); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton myrticola var. sarniense Salwey ex Mudd (1861), (= Syncesia myrticola); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton myrticola var. syncesia Schaer. (1850), (= Syncesia myrticola); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton neohollandicum Nyl. (1868), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton nigrocinctum (Ehrenb.) Mont. (1851), (= Dichosporidium nigrocinctum); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton norsticticum Jagad. Ram (2016); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton ochraceofuscescens C. Knight (1886), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton ochroleucum Zahlbr. (1900), (= Paraschismatomma ochroleucum); Opegraphaceae
Chiodecton pallidellum (Nyl.) Vain. (1909), (= Enterographa pallidella); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton palmense Vain. (1930), (= Syncesia palmensis); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton pericleum Vain. (1929), (= Lecanactis abietina); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton perplexum Nyl. (1863), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton pertricosum (Kremp.) Zahlbr. (1923), (= Graphis pertricosa); Graphidaceae
Chiodecton petraeum Delise ex Nyl. (1856), (= Syncesia myrticola); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton philippinum Vain. (1921), (= Herpothallon philippinum); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton pitardii (B. de Lesd.) Zahlbr. (1923), (= Enterographa pitardii); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton polillense Vain. (1921), (= Crypthonia polillensis); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton pustuliferum Aptroot (2011); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton queenslandiae G. Thor (1990); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton rotula (Mont.) Vain. (1890), (= Mazosia rotula); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton rubrocinctum (Ehrenb.) Nyl. (1862), (= Herpothallon rubrocinctum); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton sanguineum (Sw.) Vain. (1890), (= Herpothallon rubrocinctum); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton sanguineum f. roseocincta (Fr.) Vain. (1890), (= Herpothallon roseocinctum); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton sanguineum f. roseocinctum (Fr.) Vain. (1890), (= Herpothallon roseocinctum); Arthoniaceae
Chiodecton seriale Ach. (1814), (= Sclerophyton seriale); Opegraphaceae
Chiodecton sorediatum G. Thor & Frisch (2013); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton sphaerale Ach. (1814); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton stalactinum Nyl. (1855), (= Fulvophyton stalactinum); Roccellographaceae
Chiodecton stictathecium (C. Knight) Zahlbr. (1923); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton stigmaticum (Kremp.) Zahlbr. (1923), (= Sclerophyton stigmaticum); Opegraphaceae
Chiodecton stromaticum C. Knight (1882), (= Chiodecton congestulum); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton subdepressum Müll. Arg. (1893), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton subdiscordans Nyl. (1879), (= Byssoloma subdiscordans); Byssolomataceae
Chiodecton subgelatinosum (Stirt.) Müll. Arg. (1894), (= Enterographa subgelatinosa); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton sublaevigatum Kremp. (1881); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton subseriale Nyl. (1861), (= Fulvophyton subseriale); Roccellographaceae
Chiodecton trypethelioides (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr. (1923), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton velatum Müll. Arg. (1893), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton venosum (Pers.) Zahlbr. (1905), (= Enterographa crassa); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton virens Müll. Arg. (1893), (= Chiodecton colensoi); Roccellaceae
Chiodecton xanthonosorediatum Aptroot (2020); Roccellaceae

Pages: 1 of 95 records. TofP BofP